
Running into an issue with training my image segmentation model

Hey all, first time poster, and have not been active due to my projects, I am very new to deep learning and ML, I have trained some semantic segmentation models in the past, but not a whole lot. I am just asking for some help with an error that I keep getting, it is a no gradient provided for any variable error, I am doing some semantic segmentation of brain data, its taking brain data and categorizing (onehot) into 4 specific categories, this data was filtered for the specific categories needed. Below is my main code, I believe it is due to the one hot encoding method from keras but if anyone has ever dealt with something similar, some tips would be really helpful.

Thanks all, and have a great day, here is the code:

imgs_list_train = glob.glob(“D:/BMEN/Data/Test/BrainSet2/*.npy”)
masks_list_train = glob.glob(“D:/BMEN/Data/Test/BrainSet2/*.npy”)

batch_size = 32
gen_train = DataEncoder(imgs_list_train, masks_list_train, batch_size = batch_size)

model_name = “C:/Users/Keilan Pieper/Desktop/BMEN/ImageSegmentation/Models/BrainStructure”
early_stop = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor= ‘val_loss’, patience = 10)

model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate = 1e-4))

history =, epochs=1, verbose = 1,
callbacks= [early_stop, monitor, lr_schedule])

Data encoder class

class DataEncoder(keras.utils.Sequence):
‘Generates data for Keras’
def __init__(self, imgs_list, masks_list, patch_size=(128, 128), batch_size=32, shuffle=True):

self.imgs_list = imgs_list
self.masks_list = masks_list
self.patch_size = patch_size
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.nsamples = len(imgs_list)
self.shuffle = True

def __len__(self):
‘Denotes the number of batches per epoch’
return len(self.imgs_list) // self.batch_size

def __getitem__(self, index):
‘Generate one batch of data’
# Generate indexes of the batch
batch_indexes = self.indexes[index * self.batch_size:(index + 1) * self.batch_size]

# Generate data
X, Y = self.__data_generation(batch_indexes)

return X, Y

def on_epoch_end(self):
‘Updates indexes after each epoch’
self.indexes = np.arange(self.nsamples)
if self.shuffle == True:

def __data_generation(self, batch_indexes):
‘Generates data containing batch_size samples’
# Initialization
X = np.empty((self.batch_size, self.patch_size[0], self.patch_size[1], 1))
Y = np.empty((self.batch_size, self.patch_size[0], self.patch_size[1], 1))

for (jj, ii) in enumerate(batch_indexes):
aux_img = np.load(self.imgs_list[ii])
aux_mask = np.load(self.masks_list[ii])

# Implement data augmentation function
aux_img_patch, aux_mask_patch = self.__extract_patch(aux_img, aux_mask)

X[jj, :, :, 0] = aux_img_patch
tf.one_hot(Y, 4)
Y[jj, :, :, 0] = aux_mask_patch

return X, Y

def __extract_patch(self, img, mask):
crop_idx = [None] * 2
crop_idx[0] = np.random.randint(0, img.shape[0] – self.patch_size[0])
crop_idx[1] = np.random.randint(0, img.shape[1] – self.patch_size[1])
img_cropped = img[crop_idx[0]:crop_idx[0] + self.patch_size[0],
crop_idx[1]:crop_idx[1] + self.patch_size[1]]
mask_cropped = mask[crop_idx[0]:crop_idx[0] + self.patch_size[0],
crop_idx[1]:crop_idx[1] + self.patch_size[1]]

return img_cropped, mask_cropped

submitted by /u/Independent-Dust7072
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Developer Meetup: Learn How Metropolis Boosts Go-to-Market Efforts​

The new expanded NVIDIA Metropolis program offers access to the world’s best development tools and services to reduce time and cost of managing your vision AI deployments.

The newly expanded NVIDIA Metropolis program offers you access to the world’s best development tools and services to reduce the time and cost of managing your vision-AI deployments. Join this developer meetup (dates and times below) with NVIDIA experts to learn five ways the NVIDIA Metropolis program will grow your vision AI business and enhance your go-to-market efforts​.

In this meetup, you will learn how:

  • Metropolis Validation Labs optimize your applications and accelerate deployments.
  • NVIDIA Fleet Command simplifies provisioning and management of edge deployments accelerating the time to scale from POC to production.
  • NVIDIA LaunchPad provides easy access to GPU instances for faster POCs and customer trials.
  • Partners around the world are achieving success through this program.

Additionally, you will hear from elite partner Milestone Systems, who will share how NVIDIA Metropolis is boosting its AI software development, integration, and business development efforts.

Get Metropolis Certified to gain access to the NVIDIA Software stack, GPU servers, and marketing promotions worth over $100,000 in value. 

Select one of the following sessions in the region most convenient to you (Feb. 16 and 17): 

  • NALA: Feb. 16 at 1 pm, PT
  • APAC/JAPAN: Feb. 17 at 1 pm JST/KST
  • EMEA: Feb. 17 at 4 pm, CET

Register Now.


Renovations to Stream About: Taiwan Studio Showcases Architectural Designs Using Extended Reality

Interior renovations have never looked this good. TCImage, a studio based in Taipei, is showcasing compelling landscape and architecture designs by creating realistic 3D graphics and presenting them in virtual, augmented, and mixed reality — collectively known as extended reality, or XR. For clients to get a better understanding of the designs, TCImage produces high-quality, Read article >

The post Renovations to Stream About: Taiwan Studio Showcases Architectural Designs Using Extended Reality appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Train Spotting: Startup Gets on Track With AI and NVIDIA Jetson to Ensure Safety, Cost Savings for Railways

Preventable train accidents like the 1985 disaster outside Tel Aviv in which a train collided with a school bus, killing 19 students and several adults, motivated Shahar Hania and Elen Katz to help save lives with technology. They founded Rail Vision, an Israeli startup that creates obstacle-detection and classification systems for the global railway industry Read article >

The post Train Spotting: Startup Gets on Track With AI and NVIDIA Jetson to Ensure Safety, Cost Savings for Railways appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


High-precision Image Editing with AI: EditGAN

EditGAN uses AI to edit specific areas of images based off of user input while maintaining the image quality.EditGAN takes AI-driven image editing to the next level by providing high levels of accuracy while not sacrificing image quality.EditGAN uses AI to edit specific areas of images based off of user input while maintaining the image quality.

The desire to edit photos of cats, cars, or even antique paintings, has never been more accessible thanks to a generative adversarial network (GAN) model called EditGAN. The work—from NVIDIA, the University of Toronto, and MIT researchers—builds off DatasetGAN, an Artificial Intelligence vision model that can be trained with as few as 16 human-annotated images and performs as effectively as other methods that require 100x more images. EditGAN takes the power of the previous model and empowers the user to edit or manipulate the desired image with simple commands, such as drawing, without compromising the original image quality.

What is EditGAN?

According to the paper: “EditGAN is the first GAN-driven image-editing framework, which simultaneously offers very high-precision editing, requires very little annotated training data (and does not rely on external classifiers), can be run interactively in real time, allows for straightforward compositionality of multiple edits, and works on real embedded, GAN-generated, and even out-of-domain images.”

The model learns a specific number of editing vectors, which can be applied to an image interactively. Essentially, it forms an intuitive understanding of the images and their content, which can then be leveraged by users for specific modifications and editing. The model learns from similar images and recognizes different components and specific parts of the objects inside the images. A user can utilize this for targeted modifications of the different subparts or for editing within specific areas. Because of how precise the model is, the image is not distorted outside of the parameters set by the user. 

Using a generative adversarial network (GAN), users can edit an image, such as this image of a car or cat, and with simple inputs EditGAN will render the image to the user’s desired output.
Figure 1. EditGAN in action, the AI trained in the model allows the user to make, sometimes dramatic, changes to the original image.

“The framework allows us to learn an arbitrary number of editing vectors, which can then be directly applied on other images at interactive rates.” The researchers explained in their study. “We experimentally show that EditGAN can manipulate images with an unprecedented level of detail and freedom while preserving full image quality. We can also easily combine multiple edits and perform plausible edits beyond EditGAN’s training data. We demonstrate EditGAN on a wide variety of image types and quantitatively outperform several previous editing methods on standard editing benchmark tasks.” 

From adding smiles, changing the direction someone is looking, creating a new hairstyle, or giving a car a nicer set of wheels, the researchers show just how intrinsic the model can be with minimal data annotation. The user can draw a simple sketch or mask corresponding to the desired editing and guides the AI model to realize the modification, such as bigger cat ears or cooler headlights on a car. The AI then renders the image while maintaining a very high level of accuracy and maintaining the quality of the original image. Afterwards, the same edit can be applied to other images in real-time.

An example of EditGAN assigning each pixel of this car to a specific classification on the car. The AI can be so precise to recognize whether a specific pixel belongs to the door handle or the fender.
Figure 2. An example of the pixels assigned to different parts of the image. The AI recognizes the different areas and can make edits based on human input.

How does this GAN work?

EditGAN assigns each pixel of the image to a category, such as a tire, windshield, or car frame. These pixels are controlled within the AI latent space and based on the input of the user, who can easily and flexibly edit those categories. EditGAN manipulates only those pixels associated with the desired change. The AI knows what each pixel represents based on other images used in training the model, so you could not attempt to add cat ears to a car with accurate results. But when used within the correct model, EditGAN is a phenomenal tool that provides exceptional image editing results.

The AI recognizes the face of a cat, bird, or aspects of a room. This is because the images used in the training model show the AI what part of the cat, or bird, is what.
Figure 3. EditGAN can train on a variety of classes of imagery, from animals to environments, forming a detailed understanding of their content. 

EditGAN’s potential

AI-driven photo and image editing have the potential to streamline the workflow of photographers and content creators and to enable new levels of creativity and digital artistry. EditGAN also enables novice photographers and editors to produce high-quality content, along with the occasional viral meme.  

“This AI may transform how we edit photos and perhaps eventually video. It allows someone to take an image and alter it by using simple text commands. If you have a photo of a car and you want to make the wheels bigger, just type “make wheels bigger,” and poof!—there’s a completely photorealistic picture of the same car with bigger wheels.” – Fortune magazine

EditGAN may also be used for other important applications in the future. For example, EditGAN’s editing capabilities could be utilized to create large image datasets with certain characteristics. Such specific datasets can be useful when training downstream machine-learning models on different computer vision tasks.

Furthermore, the EditGAN framework may impact the development of future generations of GANs. While the present version of EditGAN focuses on image editing, similar methods could potentially be used to edit 3D shapes and objects, which would be useful when creating virtual 3D content for games, movies, or the metaverse.

To read more about this amazing methodology, check out their paper.

NVIDIA is always on the cutting edge of technology, check out NVIDIA Research for more innovative research.


I want to get started with Tensorflow, does anybody recommend certain free courses I could take?

submitted by /u/Confident-Penalty111
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Split inputdata into seperate LSTM layers

I have 10k+ documents which belong either to class 0 or 1. I want to train a model by feeding it each sentence in a document through a textvectorize layer ➡️ embedding layer ➡️ lstm layer Then concat all lstm layers for each sentence feed them to 1 dense layer with outputsize of 128 ➡️ dense layer outputsize of 1 with softmax as activation.

Number of sentences in each document is somewhere between 0 and 5000. Each sentence has between 1-5 words.

I have managed to create a model for predicting which class a sentence most likely belong to. But i want to basically extend it to take all sentences from an exampledocument for classifying entire document. Each sentence is not related to the other.

How do i go about this?

submitted by /u/jacobkodar
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Error while running model train code

Hello everyone.

While trying to run the training code for my model, the following error happens:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “C:UsersDiogo AlpendreOneDrive – IPLeiriaPara”, line 6, in <module>

import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

File “C:UsersDiogo”, line 64, in <module>

from tensorflow_datasets import vision_language

File “C:UsersDiogo”, line 20, in <module>

from tensorflow_datasets.vision_language.wit import Wit

File “C:UsersDiogo”, line 18, in <module>

from tensorflow_datasets.vision_language.wit.wit import Wit

File “C:UsersDiogo“, line 25, in <module>


OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long

How do I fix it?

Thanks for all the help

submitted by /u/dalpendre
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Is building tensorflow from source supposed to take 8+ hours?

Initially I installed it using pip but my CPU does not have AVX support. A solution to this that I found online is that if you build tensorflow from source, it will somehow work around this. However I started the compilation this morning at 10am… now it’s 6PM and it’s still going… my computer is literally just a repurposed office machine so it is not the most powerful but this seems way too long, is this normal?

Some of my computer’s specs:

CPU: Intel Pentium Silver J5040 3.2 GHz

GPU: Intel GeminiLake [UHD Graphics 605]


submitted by /u/ComprehensiveWarfare
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Pre-trained TF LITE Model for Image Classifications

Does anyone have a favorite pretrained TF LITE Model for general image classifications? I have a database of a few thousands images and I’d like to add tags to them. Any .tflite that also has a .txt file for labeling would work. Would like for the image classification to be as broad and accurate as possible (obviously I’m asking for a lot here). Thanks for the help!

submitted by /u/spiffiestwig
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