
[Tutorial] How to Train Object Detector with TF Object Detection API

Object detection is a computer vision task that has recently
been influenced by all of the progress made in ML.

Now with tools like TensorFlow Object Detection API, you can
create reliable models quickly and fairly easily.

If you’re unfamiliar, TensorFlow Object Detection API: –
supports TensorFlow 2, – lets you employ state of the art model
architectures for object detection, – gives you a simple way to
configure models.

Tutorial shows everything from installation and setup, all the
way to model training.

TF object detection API tutorial

submitted by /u/kk_ai

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Is duplicating images which are good representations of the type of thing being classified a good idea?

Say you’re classifying the flowers dataset. Some images aren’t
as good as others. Would duplicating the images that are good
examples of a certain type help propagate the desired features in
the network?

E.g. if I duplicate a close-up of a certain type flower head
within the dataset (say a rose within /roses), would it make the
network more bias towards the duplicates?

I have a handful of ideal examples, and thousands of very
variable examples. I’m unsure what’s the best strategy to be more
biased towards the good examples in my data..

submitted by /u/BananaCharmer

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Transfer learning using a small dataset

I’m building an image classifier. I happen to have a small
dataset of ideal data. Can I train a model using this idealised
data, and somehow use it as a base for further training?

I’ve read through the docs; they all use ImageNet or
tensorflow-hub datasets. I can’t seem to find an example of using
your own data.

submitted by /u/BananaCharmer

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Is getting the Tensorflow Certification worth it?

I am currently studying Industrial Engineering, but I’ve been
learning DL and ML on my own. My goal is to obtain a job related
with ML or AI. I don’t come from a traditional Computer Science
background, do you think this certificate will add value to my

submitted by /u/man_you_trust

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Low light image enhancement TFJS

Low light image enhancement TFJS

I am delighted to share the TensorFlow JS variants for the
MIRNet model, capable of enhancing low-light images to really great

The Project repo –

Please consider giving it a star if you like it. More details in

Project results

submitted by /u/Rishit-dagli

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How to use Tokenizer with punctuation?

Hey, this is a question I had that I answered myself after some
research. I can’t find a flair more applicable than ‘Question’ so I
will just answer it myself haha.

I was trying to use tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer to
train a model for a language task. I wanted my model to include
certain punctuation in it’s output, like exclamation points and
commas and whatnot, and I wasn’t sure how to do this.

I figured that since the default value for filters in the
Tokenizer constructor is:


then I would just have to remove the punctuation that I want to
be recognized. I then spent a few hours training my model.

DON’T DO THIS. It will not treat the
punctuation as separate tokens, but rather your vocabulary will be
filled with examples such as ‘man’ vs ‘man.’ vs ‘man,’, etc. These
will all be separate tokens.

Instead, you should preprocess all of your sentences to include
spaces between any punctuation that you want. This is how I did

def separate_punctuation(s, filters=',.()?'): new_s = '' for char in s: if char in filters: new_s += ' ' + char + ' ' else: new_s += char return new_s.strip() 

This way ‘Hello neighbor, how are you?’ will become ‘Hello
neighbor , how are you ?’. Thus, all punctuation will only take up
one element of your vocabulary and your model will generalize much,
much better.

Hope this saves someone else’s time.

submitted by /u/LivingPornFree

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How to use VGG16 in Kaggle inference ?

submitted by /u/maifee

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Tensorflow Image Resize, Crop and Centering Advice

Tensorflow Image Resize, Crop and Centering Advice

Hi there!

Looking for a way of manipulating something like this:

From image (3456px x 5184px)

To something like this:

To image (1500px x 1500px)

There are a decent number of variations on this, e.g. more or
less zoomed in (depending on garment length), front and back sides
of the garment, two different mannequins, some images without a
mannequin etc. I have around 2500 garments, so around 5000 images
front and back.

I’ve got some basic experience with TensorFlow and Keras, having
completed a traffic flow prediction project for uni which used past
traffic data fed into a stacked auto encoder network. Pretty
inexperienced in this area though.

I have a few questions:

  1. Is it even something that I’d want to be doing with TensorFlow?
    It feels like something I could hack together by adding extra info
    to the image filenames and using a library like Pillow, but there
    are some variations which means it may not work great in all
    circumstances, plus, using ML would be a more interesting
  2. If yes, I saw that TensorFlow has an image processing library
    which seems like what I need, but I’m unsure on where to get
    started using it
  3. Are there any good examples/tutorials/videos focused on image
    manipulation like this?

I’ve done a bit of research though haven’t had much luck, but
feel free to call me an idiot if I’ve missed an obvious,
preexisting project or solution.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/ljackmanl

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Predict from loaded BERT model

I was trying to make a prediction from a loaded tensorflow
model. Though I’m not sure if it’s correct how I previously saved
it, specifically I have doubts about code inside serving_input_fn()
function (MAX_SEQ_LENGTH=128):

def serving_input_fn(): feature_spec = { "input_ids" : tf.FixedLenFeature([MAX_SEQ_LENGTH], tf.int64), "input_mask" : tf.FixedLenFeature([MAX_SEQ_LENGTH], tf.int64), "segment_ids" : tf.FixedLenFeature([MAX_SEQ_LENGTH], tf.int64), "label_ids" : tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64) } serialized_tf_example = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string,shape=[None],name='input_example_tensor') receiver_tensors = {'example': serialized_tf_example} features = tf.parse_example(serialized_tf_example, feature_spec) return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(features, receiver_tensors) estimator.export_saved_model('gs://bucket/trained_model, serving_input_receiver_fn=serving_input_fn) 

When I try to predict from loaded model:

from tensorflow.contrib import predictor predict_fn = predictor.from_saved_model(LOAD_PATH) input_features_test = convert_examples_to_features( test_examples,label_list, MAX_SEQ_LENGTH, tokenizer) predictions = predict_fn({'example':input_features_test[0]}) 

it returns this error:

ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape () for Tensor
‘input_example_tensor:0’, which has shape ‘(?,)’

How should I change serving_input_fn() method?

If you want to reproduce it: github_repo (you
should download variables from
and put it in trained_model/1608370941/ folder)

is the tutorial I followed to fine tune BERT model on
google cloud TPU.

submitted by /u/spaceape__

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tensorflow could not load librart cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll .error code 126

first of all it was “tensorflow-gpu test is false” issue for me.
but i managed to run github repo below which is my goal.

then i came up with “Could not load library
cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll. Error code 126

Please make sure cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll is in your library
path!” error.

i’ve “cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll.”in my downloads folder.Because i
tried to match perfect cuda- tensorflow for my gpu.

[cmd pic shows github repo works until error][1]






gpu:nvidia 840m

i’m stucked at this point.i’m new to ML and tensorflow and just
want to try a simple project.thx^^

yes i added “cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll” in PATH as
c:downloads…bin. Nothing changed.

submitted by /u/elyakubu

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