
In search of a generalizable method for source-free domain adaptation

Deep learning has recently made tremendous progress in a wide range of problems and applications, but models often fail unpredictably when deployed in unseen domains or distributions. Source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) is an area of research that aims to design methods for adapting a pre-trained model (trained on a “source domain”) to a new “target domain”, using only unlabeled data from the latter.

Designing adaptation methods for deep models is an important area of research. While the increasing scale of models and training datasets has been a key ingredient to their success, a negative consequence of this trend is that training such models is increasingly computationally expensive, out of reach for certain practitioners and also harmful for the environment. One avenue to mitigate this issue is through designing techniques that can leverage and reuse already trained models for tackling new tasks or generalizing to new domains. Indeed, adapting models to new tasks is widely studied under the umbrella of transfer learning.

SFDA is a particularly practical area of this research because several real-world applications where adaptation is desired suffer from the unavailability of labeled examples from the target domain. In fact, SFDA is enjoying increasing attention [1, 2, 3, 4]. However, albeit motivated by ambitious goals, most SFDA research is grounded in a very narrow framework, considering simple distribution shifts in image classification tasks.

In a significant departure from that trend, we turn our attention to the field of bioacoustics, where naturally-occurring distribution shifts are ubiquitous, often characterized by insufficient target labeled data, and represent an obstacle for practitioners. Studying SFDA in this application can, therefore, not only inform the academic community about the generalizability of existing methods and identify open research directions, but can also directly benefit practitioners in the field and aid in addressing one of the biggest challenges of our century: biodiversity preservation.

In this post, we announce “In Search for a Generalizable Method for Source-Free Domain Adaptation”, appearing at ICML 2023. We show that state-of-the-art SFDA methods can underperform or even collapse when confronted with realistic distribution shifts in bioacoustics. Furthermore, existing methods perform differently relative to each other than observed in vision benchmarks, and surprisingly, sometimes perform worse than no adaptation at all. We also propose NOTELA, a new simple method that outperforms existing methods on these shifts while exhibiting strong performance on a range of vision datasets. Overall, we conclude that evaluating SFDA methods (only) on the commonly-used datasets and distribution shifts leaves us with a myopic view of their relative performance and generalizability. To live up to their promise, SFDA methods need to be tested on a wider range of distribution shifts, and we advocate for considering naturally-occurring ones that can benefit high-impact applications.

Distribution shifts in bioacoustics

Naturally-occurring distribution shifts are ubiquitous in bioacoustics. The largest labeled dataset for bird songs is Xeno-Canto (XC), a collection of user-contributed recordings of wild birds from across the world. Recordings in XC are “focal”: they target an individual captured in natural conditions, where the song of the identified bird is at the foreground. For continuous monitoring and tracking purposes, though, practitioners are often more interested in identifying birds in passive recordings (“soundscapes”), obtained through omnidirectional microphones. This is a well-documented problem that recent work shows is very challenging. Inspired by this realistic application, we study SFDA in bioacoustics using a bird species classifier that was pre-trained on XC as the source model, and several “soundscapes” coming from different geographical locations — Sierra Nevada (S. Nevada); Powdermill Nature Reserve, Pennsylvania, USA; Hawai’i; Caples Watershed, California, USA; Sapsucker Woods, New York, USA (SSW); and Colombia — as our target domains.

This shift from the focalized to the passive domain is substantial: the recordings in the latter often feature much lower signal-to-noise ratio, several birds vocalizing at once, and significant distractors and environmental noise, like rain or wind. In addition, different soundscapes originate from different geographical locations, inducing extreme label shifts since a very small portion of the species in XC will appear in a given location. Moreover, as is common in real-world data, both the source and target domains are significantly class imbalanced, because some species are significantly more common than others. In addition, we consider a multi-label classification problem since there may be several birds identified within each recording, a significant departure from the standard single-label image classification scenario where SFDA is typically studied.

Illustration of the “focal → soundscapes” shift. In the focalized domain, recordings are typically composed of a single bird vocalization in the foreground, captured with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), though there may be other birds vocalizing in the background. On the other hand, soundscapes contain recordings from omnidirectional microphones and can be composed of multiple birds vocalizing simultaneously, as well as environmental noises from insects, rain, cars, planes, etc.

Audio files           

     Focal domain


     Soundscape domain1

Spectogram images                 
Illustration of the distribution shift from the focal domain (left) to the soundscape domain (right), in terms of the audio files (top) and spectrogram images (bottom) of a representative recording from each dataset. Note that in the second audio clip, the bird song is very faint; a common property in soundscape recordings where bird calls aren’t at the “foreground”. Credits: Left: XC recording by Sue Riffe (CC-BY-NC license). Right: Excerpt from a recording made available by Kahl, Charif, & Klinck. (2022) “A collection of fully-annotated soundscape recordings from the Northeastern United States” [link] from the SSW soundscape dataset (CC-BY license).

State-of-the-art SFDA models perform poorly on bioacoustics shifts

As a starting point, we benchmark six state-of-the-art SFDA methods on our bioacoustics benchmark, and compare them to the non-adapted baseline (the source model). Our findings are surprising: without exception, existing methods are unable to consistently outperform the source model on all target domains. In fact, they often underperform it significantly.

As an example, Tent, a recent method, aims to make models produce confident predictions for each example by reducing the uncertainty of the model’s output probabilities. While Tent performs well in various tasks, it doesn’t work effectively for our bioacoustics task. In the single-label scenario, minimizing entropy forces the model to choose a single class for each example confidently. However, in our multi-label scenario, there’s no such constraint that any class should be selected as being present. Combined with significant distribution shifts, this can cause the model to collapse, leading to zero probabilities for all classes. Other benchmarked methods like SHOT, AdaBN, Tent, NRC, DUST and Pseudo-Labelling, which are strong baselines for standard SFDA benchmarks, also struggle with this bioacoustics task.

Evolution of the test mean average precision (mAP), a standard metric for multilabel classification, throughout the adaptation procedure on the six soundscape datasets. We benchmark our proposed NOTELA and Dropout Student (see below), as well as SHOT, AdaBN, Tent, NRC, DUST and Pseudo-Labelling. Aside from NOTELA, all other methods fail to consistently improve the source model.

Introducing NOisy student TEacher with Laplacian Adjustment (NOTELA)

Nonetheless, a surprisingly positive result stands out: the less celebrated Noisy Student principle appears promising. This unsupervised approach encourages the model to reconstruct its own predictions on some target dataset, but under the application of random noise. While noise may be introduced through various channels, we strive for simplicity and use model dropout as the only noise source: we therefore refer to this approach as Dropout Student (DS). In a nutshell, it encourages the model to limit the influence of individual neurons (or filters) when making predictions on a specific target dataset.

DS, while effective, faces a model collapse issue on various target domains. We hypothesize this happens because the source model initially lacks confidence in those target domains. We propose improving DS stability by using the feature space directly as an auxiliary source of truth. NOTELA does this by encouraging similar pseudo-labels for nearby points in the feature space, inspired by NRC’s method and Laplacian regularization. This simple approach is visualized below, and consistently and significantly outperforms the source model in both audio and visual tasks.

NOTELA in action. The audio recordings are forwarded through the full model to obtain a first set of predictions, which are then refined through Laplacian regularization, a form of post-processing based on clustering nearby points. Finally, the refined predictions are used as targets for the noisy model to reconstruct.


The standard artificial image classification benchmarks have inadvertently limited our understanding of the true generalizability and robustness of SFDA methods. We advocate for broadening the scope and adopt a new assessment framework that incorporates naturally-occurring distribution shifts from bioacoustics. We also hope that NOTELA serves as a robust baseline to facilitate research in that direction. NOTELA’s strong performance perhaps points to two factors that can lead to developing more generalizable models: first, developing methods with an eye towards harder problems and second, favoring simple modeling principles. However, there is still future work to be done to pinpoint and comprehend existing methods’ failure modes on harder problems. We believe that our research represents a significant step in this direction, serving as a foundation for designing SFDA methods with greater generalizability.


One of the authors of this post, Eleni Triantafillou, is now at Google DeepMind. We are posting this blog post on behalf of the authors of the NOTELA paper: Malik Boudiaf, Tom Denton, Bart van Merriënboer, Vincent Dumoulin*, Eleni Triantafillou* (where * denotes equal contribution). We thank our co-authors for the hard work on this paper and the rest of the Perch team for their support and feedback.

1Note that in this audio clip, the bird song is very faint; a common property in soundscape recordings where bird calls aren’t at the “foreground”. 


Codeium’s Varun Mohan and Jeff Wang on Unleashing the Power of AI in Software Development

The world increasingly runs on code. Accelerating the work of those who create that code will boost their productivity — and that’s just what AI startup Codeium, a member of NVIDIA’s Inception program for startups, aims to do. On the latest episode of NVIDIA’s AI Podcast, host Noah Kravitz interviewed Codeium founder and CEO Varun Read article >


Ask Me Anything: NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 12

CUDA Toolkit AMA promo card.On July 26, connect with CUDA product team experts on the latest NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 12. CUDA Toolkit AMA promo card.

On July 26, connect with CUDA product team experts on the latest NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 12. 


Access the Latest in Vision AI Model Development Workflows with NVIDIA TAO Toolkit 5.0

TAO Toolkit graphicNVIDIA TAO Toolkit provides a low-code AI framework to accelerate vision AI model development suitable for all skill levels, from novice beginners to expert…TAO Toolkit graphic

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit provides a low-code AI framework to accelerate vision AI model development suitable for all skill levels, from novice beginners to expert data scientists. With the TAO Toolkit, developers can use the power and efficiency of transfer learning to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy and production-class throughput in record time with adaptation and optimization.  

NVIDIA released TAO Toolkit 5.0, bringing groundbreaking features to enhance any AI model development. The new features include source-open architecture, transformer-based pretrained models, AI-assisted data annotation, and the capability to deploy models on any platform.

Release highlights include:

  • Model export in open ONNX format to support deployment on GPUs, CPUs, MCUs, neural accelerators, ‌and more.
  • Advanced Vision Transformer training for better accuracy and robustness against image corruption and noise.
  • New AI-assisted data annotation, accelerating labeling tasks for segmentation masks.
  • Support for new computer vision tasks and pretrained models for optical inspection, such as optical character detection and Siamese Network models.
  • Open source availability for customizable solutions, faster development, and integration.

Get started

This post has been revised from its original version to provide accurate information reflecting the TAO Toolkit 5.0 release.

Graphic of the NVIDIA TAO Toolkit pipeline for an AI model: data, train, and deploy.
Figure 1. NVIDIA TAO Toolkit workflow diagram

Deploy NVIDIA TAO models on any platform, anywhere 

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit 5.0 supports model export in ONNX. This makes it possible to deploy a model trained with NVIDIA TAO Toolkit on any computing platform—GPUs, CPUs, MCUs, DLAs, FPGAs—at the edge or in the cloud. NVIDIA TAO Toolkit simplifies the model training process and optimizes the model for inference throughput, powering AI across hundreds of billions of devices.  

TAO Toolkit architecture workflow diagram.
Figure 2. NVIDIA TAO Toolkit architecture

Edge Impulse, a platform for building, refining, and deploying machine learning models and algorithms, integrated TAO Toolkit into their edge AI platform. With this integration, Edge Impulse now offers advanced vision AI capabilities and models that complement its current offerings. Developers can use the platform to build production AI with TAO for any edge device. Learn more about the integration in a blog post from Edge Impulse.

Video 1. Training an AI model with the Edge Impulse platform leveraging NVIDIA TAO and deployed on a Cortex-M7 MCU

STMicroelectronics, a global leader in embedded microcontrollers, integrated NVIDIA TAO Toolkit into its STM32Cube AI developer workflow. This puts the latest AI capabilities into the hands of millions of STMicroelectronics developers. It provides, for the first time, the ability to integrate sophisticated AI into widespread IoT and edge use cases powered by the STM32Cube. 

Now, with NVIDIA TAO Toolkit, even the most novice AI developers can optimize and quantize AI models to run on STM32 MCU within the microcontroller’s compute and memory budget. Developers can also bring their own models and fine-tune using TAO Toolkit. More information about this work is captured in the following demo. Learn more about the project on the STMicroelectronics GitHub page.

Video 2. Learn how to deploy a model optimized with TAO Toolkit on an STM microcontroller

While TAO Toolkit models can run on any platform, these models achieve the highest throughput on NVIDIA GPUs using TensorRT for inference. On CPUs, these models use ONNX-RT for inference. The script and recipe to replicate these numbers will be provided once the software becomes available.

  NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano 8 GB  NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin 64 GB  T4  A2  A100 L4  H100  
PeopleNet  112  679 429 242 3,264 797 7,062
DINO – FAN-S  3.1 11.2 20.4 11.7 121 44 213
SegFormer – MiT 1.3 4.8  9.4 5.8 62.2 17.8 108
OCRNet  935  3,876 3,649 2,094 28,300 8,036 55,700
EfficientDet  61 227 303 184 1,521 522 2,428
2D Body Pose  136  557 593 295 4,140 1,010 7,812
3D Action Recognition  52 212 269 148 1,658 529 2,708
Table 1. Performance comparison (in FPS) of several NVIDIA TAO Toolkit vision models, including new Vision Transformer models on NVIDIA GPUs

AI-assisted data annotation and management 

Data annotation remains an expensive and time-consuming process for all AI projects. This is especially true for CV tasks like segmentation that require generating a segmentation mask at pixel level around the object. Generally, segmentation masks cost 10x more than object detection or classification. 

It is faster and less expensive to annotate segmentation masks with new AI-assisted annotation capabilities using TAO Toolkit 5.0. Now you can use the weakly supervised segmentation architecture, Mask Auto Labeler (MAL) to aid in segmentation annotation and in fixing and tightening bounding boxes for object detection. Loose bounding boxes around an object in ground truth data can lead to suboptimal detection results. But, with AI-assisted annotation, you can tighten your bounding boxes over objects, leading to more accurate models.  

GIF showing the concept of auto-labeling of cars and a person holding a grocery basket, using box-cropped images as inputs, and generating the segmentation mask.
Figure 3. TAO Toolkit auto labeling

MAL is a transformer-based, mask auto-labeling framework for instance segmentation using only box annotations. MAL takes box-cropped images as inputs and conditionally generates the mask pseudo-labels. It uses COCO annotation format for both input and output labels.  

MAL significantly reduces the gap between auto labeling and human annotation for mask quality. Instance segmentation models trained using the MAL-generated masks can nearly match the performance of the fully supervised counterparts, retaining up to 97.4% performance of fully supervised models.  

Architecture diagram for Mask Auto Labeler (MAL).
Figure 4. MAL network architecture

When training the MAL network, a task network and a teacher network (sharing the same transformer structure) work together to achieve class-agnostic self-training. This enables refining the prediction masks with conditional random field (CRF) loss and multi-instance learning (MIL) loss.    

TAO Toolkit uses MAL in both the auto-labeling pipeline and data augmentation pipeline. Specifically, users can generate pseudo-masks on the spatially augmented images (sheared or rotated, for example), and refine and tighten the corresponding bounding boxes using the generated masks. 

State-of-the-art Vision Transformers 

Transformers have become the standard architecture in NLP, largely because of self-attention. They have also gained popularity for a range of vision AI tasks. In general, transformer-based models can outperform traditional CNN-based models due to their robustness, generalizability, and ability to perform parallelized processing of large-scale inputs. All of this increases training efficiency, provides better robustness against image corruption and noise, and generalizes better on unseen objects.  

TAO Toolkit 5.0 features several state-of-the-art (SOTA) Vision Transformers for popular CV tasks, as detailed below.

Fully Attentional Network  

Fully Attentional Network (FAN) is a transformer-based family of backbones from NVIDIA Research that achieves SOTA in robustness against various corruptions. This family of backbones can easily generalize to new domains and be more robust to noise, blur, and more. 

A key design behind the FAN block is the attentional channel processing module that leads to robust representation learning. FAN can be used for image classification tasks as well as downstream tasks such as object detection and segmentation.  

Performing heat map on a corrupted image (left) using ResNet50 (center) and FAN-Small (right).
Figure 5. An activation heat map on a corrupted image for ResNet50 (center) compared to FAN-Small (right)

The FAN family supports four backbones, as shown in Table 2.

Model  # of parameters/FLOPs  Accuracy 
FAN-Tiny  7 M/3.5 G  71.7 
FAN-Small  26 M/6.7  77.5 
FAN-Base  50 M/11.3 G  79.1 
FAN-Large  77 M/16.9 G  81.0 
Table 2. FAN backbones with size and accuracy

Global Context Vision Transformer 

Global Context Vision Transformer (GC-ViT) is a novel architecture from NVIDIA Research that achieves very high accuracy and compute efficiency. GC-ViT addresses the lack of inductive bias in Vision Transformers. It achieves better results on ImageNet with a smaller number of parameters through the use of local self-attention. 

Local self-attention paired with global context self-attention can effectively and efficiently model both long and short-range spatial interactions. Figure 6 shows the GC-ViT model architecture. For more details, see Global Context Vision Transformers.

Diagram of the architecture for GC-ViT.
Figure 6. GC-ViT model architecture

As shown in Table 3, the GC-ViT family contains six backbones, ranging from GC-ViT-xxTiny (compute efficient) to GC-ViT-Large (very accurate). GC-ViT-Large models can achieve Top-1 accuracy of 85.6 on the ImageNet-1K dataset for image classification tasks. This architecture can also be used as the backbone for other CV tasks like object detection and semantic and instance segmentation.  

Model  # of parameters/FLOPs  Accuracy 
GC-ViT-xxTiny  12 M/2.1 G  79.6 
GC-ViT-xTiny  20 M/2.6 G  81.9 
GC-ViT-Tiny  28 M/4.7 G  83.2 
GC-ViT-Small  51 M/8.5 G  83.9 
GC-ViT-Base  90 M/14.8 G  84.4 
GC-ViT-Large  201 M/32.6 G  85.6 
Table 3. GC-ViT backbones with size and accuracy 


DINO (detection transformer with improved denoising anchor) is the newest generation of detection transformers (DETR). It achieves a faster training convergence time than its predecessor. Deformable-DETR (D-DETR) requires at least 50 epochs to converge, while DINO can converge in 12 epochs on the COCO dataset. It also achieves higher accuracy when compared with D-DETR. 

DINO achieves faster convergence through the use of denoising during training, which helps the bipartite matching process at the proposal generation stage. The training convergence of DETR-like models is slow due to the instability of bipartite matching. Bipartite matching removed the need for handcrafted and compute-heavy NMS operations. However, it often required much more training because incorrect ground truths were matched to the predictions during bipartite matching. 

To remedy such a problem, DINO introduced noised positive ground-truth boxes and negative ground-truth boxes to handle “no object” scenarios. As a result, training converges very quickly for DINO. For more information, see DINO: DETR with Improved DeNoising Anchor Boxes for End-to-End Object Detection.

Diagram of DINO architecture, including multi-scale features, positional embeddings, query selection, encoder layers, matching, CDN, and decoder layers.
Figure 7. DINO architecture

DINO in TAO Toolkit is flexible and can be combined with various backbones from traditional CNNs, such as ResNets, and transformer-based backbones like FAN and GC-ViT. Table 4 shows the accuracy of the COCO dataset on various versions of DINO with popular YOLOv7. For more details, see YOLOv7: Trainable Bag-of-Freebies Sets New State-of-the-Art for Real-Time Object Detectors.

Model Backbone AP AP50 AP75 APS APM APL Param
YOLOv7 N/A 51.2 69.7 55.5 35.2 56.0 66.7 36.9M
DINO ResNet50 48.8 66.9 53.4 31.8 51.8 63.4 46.7M
FAN-Small 53.1 71.6 57.8 35.2 56.4 68.9 48.3M
GCViT-Tiny 50.7 68.9 55.3 33.2 54.1 65.8 46.9M
Table 4. DINO and D-DETR accuracy on the COCO dataset


SegFormer is a lightweight transformer-based semantic segmentation. The decoder is made of lightweight MLP layers. It avoids using positional encoding (mostly used by transformers), which makes the inference efficient at different resolutions.  

Adding FAN backbone to SegFormer MLP decoder results in a highly robust and efficient semantic segmentation model. FAN base hybrid + SegFormer was the winning architecture at the Robust Vision Challenge 2022 for semantic segmentation. 

An image of a man walking across the street as a noisy input (left) and the same image with SegFormer with FAN (right).
Figure 8. SegFormer with FAN prediction (right) on a noisy input image (left) 
Model   Dataset  Mean IOU (%)  Retention rate (robustness) (%) 
PSPNet  Cityscapes Validation  78.8  43.8  
SegFormer – FAN-S-Hybrid  Cityscapes validation  81.5  81.5 
Table 5. Robustness of SegFormer compared to PSPNet

See how SegFormer generates robust semantic segmentation while maintaining high efficiency for accelerated autonomous vehicle development in the following video. 

Video 3. NVIDIA DRIVE Labs episode, Enhancing AI Segmentation Models for Autonomous Vehicle Safety

CV tasks beyond object detection and segmentation 

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit accelerates a wide range of CV tasks beyond traditional object detection and segmentation. The new character detection and recognition models in TAO Toolkit 5.0 enable developers to extract text from images and documents. This automates document conversion and accelerates use cases in industries like insurance and finance.  

Detecting anomalies in images is useful when the object being classified varies greatly, such that training with all the variations is impossible. In industrial inspection, for example, a defect can come in any form. Using a simple classifier could result in many missed defects if the defect has not been previously seen by the training data. 

For such use cases, comparing the test object directly against a golden reference would result in better accuracy. TAO Toolkit 5.0 features a Siamese neural network in which the model calculates the difference between the object under test and a golden reference to classify if the object is defective.  

Automate training using AutoML for hyperparameter optimization 

Automated machine learning (autoML) automates the manual task of finding the best models and hyperparameters for the desired KPI on a given dataset. It can algorithmically derive the best model and abstract away much of the complexity of AI model creation and optimization.  

AutoML in TAO Toolkit is fully configurable for automatically optimizing the hyperparameters of a model. It caters to both AI experts and nonexperts. For nonexperts, the guided Jupyter Notebook provides a simple, efficient way to create an accurate AI model. 

For experts, TAO Toolkit gives you full control of which hyperparameters to tune and which algorithm to use for sweeps. TAO Toolkit currently supports two optimization algorithms: Bayesian and Hyperband optimization. These algorithms can sweep across a range of hyperparameters to find the best combination for a given dataset. 

AutoML is supported for a wide range of CV tasks, including several new Vision Transformers such as DINO, D-DETR, SegFormer, and more. Table 6 shows the full list of supported networks (bold items are new to TAO Toolkit 5.0). 

Image classification Object detection Segmentation Other
ResNet YoloV3/V4/V4-Tiny MaskRCNN
EfficientNet EfficientDet 
DarkNet RetinaNet
MobileNet FasterRCNN
Table 6. Models supported by AutoML in TAO Toolkit, including several new Vision Transformer models (bold items are new to TAO Toolkit 5.0)

REST APIs for workflow integration 

TAO Toolkit is modular and cloud-native, meaning it is available as containers and can be deployed and managed using Kubernetes. TAO Toolkit can be deployed as a self-managed service on any public or private cloud, DGX, or workstation. TAO Toolkit provides well-defined REST APIs, making it easy to integrate into your development workflow. Developers can call the API endpoints for all training and optimization tasks. These API endpoints can be called from any application or user interface, which can trigger training jobs remotely. 

REST APIs workflow in TAO Toolkit
Figure 9. TAO Toolkit architecture for cloud native deployment

Better inference optimization 

To simplify productization and increase inference throughput, TAO Toolkit provides several turnkey performance optimization techniques. These include model pruning, lower precision quantization, and TensorRT optimization, which can combine to deliver a 4x to 8x performance boost, compared to a comparable model from public model zoos. 

Chart showing performance comparison between TAO Toolkit optimized and public models on a wide range of GPUs
Figure 10. Performance comparison between TAO Toolkit optimized and public models on a wide range of GPUs

Open and flexible, with better support 

An AI model predicts output based on complex algorithms. This can make it difficult to understand how the system arrived at its decision and challenging to debug, diagnose, and fix errors. Explainable AI (XAI) aims to address these challenges by providing insights into how AI models arrive at their decisions. This helps humans understand the reasoning behind the AI output and makes it easier to diagnose and fix errors. This transparency can help to build trust in AI systems. 

To help with transparency and explainability, TAO Toolkit will now be available as source-open. Developers will be able to view feature maps from internal layers, as well as plot activation heat maps to better understand the reasoning behind AI predictions. In addition, having access to the source code will give developers the flexibility to create customized AI, improve debug capability, and increase trust in their models.  

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit is enterprise-ready and available through NVIDIA AI Enterprise (NVAIE). NVAIE provides companies with business-critical support, access to NVIDIA AI experts, and priority security fixes. Join NVAIE to get support from AI experts.  

Integration with cloud services 

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit 5.0 is integrated into various AI services that you might already use, such as Google Vertex AI, AzureML, Azure Kubernetes service, Google GKE, and Amazon EKS. 

Graphic showing the TAO framework for various cloud services, including Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and more.
Figure 11. TAO Toolkit 5.0 is integrated with various AI services


TAO Toolkit offers a platform for any developer, in any service, and on any device to easily transfer-learn their custom models, perform quantization and pruning, manage complex training workflows, and perform AI-assisted annotation with no coding requirements.


Improve Accuracy and Robustness of Vision AI Apps with Vision Transformers and NVIDIA TAO

3 CV overlays tracking people walking across a street.Vision Transformers (ViTs) are taking computer vision by storm, offering incredible accuracy, robust solutions for challenging real-world scenarios, and…3 CV overlays tracking people walking across a street.

Vision Transformers (ViTs) are taking computer vision by storm, offering incredible accuracy, robust solutions for challenging real-world scenarios, and improved generalizability. The algorithms are playing a pivotal role in boosting computer vision applications and NVIDIA is making it easy to integrate ViTs into your applications using NVIDIA TAO Toolkit and NVIDIA L4 GPUs.

How ViTs are different

ViTs are machine learning models that apply transformer architectures, originally designed for natural language processing, to visual data. They have several advantages over their CNN-based counterparts and the ability to perform parallelized processing of large-scale inputs. While CNNs use local operations that lack a global understanding of an image, ViTs provide long-range dependencies and global context. They do this effectively by processing images in a parallel and self-attention-based manner, enabling interactions between all image patches. 

Figure 1 shows see the processing of an image in a ViT model, where the input image is divided into smaller fixed-size patches, which are flattened and transformed into sequences of tokens. These tokens, along with positional encodings, are then fed into a transformer encoder, which consists of multiple layers of self-attention and feed-forward neural networks. 

ViT encoding workflow with an image split in patches, showing positional embeddings and feeds into a transformer encoder.
Figure 1. Processing an image in a ViT model that includes positional embedding and encoder (inspired by the study Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale)

With the self-attention mechanism, each token or patch of an image interacts with other tokens to decide which tokens are important. This helps the model capture relationships and dependencies between tokens and learns which ones are considered important over others. 

For example, with an image of a bird, the model pays more attention to important features, such as the eyes, beak, and feathers rather than the background. This translates into increased training efficiency, enhanced robustness against image corruption and noise, and superior generalization on unseen objects.

Why ViTs are critical for computer vision applications

Real-world environments have diverse and complex visual patterns. The scalability and adaptability of ViTs enable them to handle a wide variety of tasks without the need for task-specific architecture adjustments, unlike CNNs. 

Various examples of noise and imperfections in real-world data such as occlusion, poor lighting, weather conditions (rain, fog), image corruption, etc.
Figure 2.  Different types of imperfect and noisy real-world data create challenges for image analysis.

In the following video, we compare noisy videos running both on a CNN-based model and ViT-based model. In every case, ViTs outperform CNN-based models.

Video 1. Learn about SegFormer, a ViT model that generates robust semantic segmentation while maintaining high efficiency

Integrating ViTs with TAO Toolkit 5.0

TAO, a low-code AI toolkit to build and accelerate vision AI models, now makes it easy to build and integrate ViTs into your applications and AI workflow. Users can quickly get started with a simple interface and config files to train ViTs, without requiring in-depth knowledge of model architectures. 

The TAO Toolkit 5.0 features several advanced ViTs for popular computer vision tasks including the following.

Fully Attentional Network (FAN)

As a transformer-based family of backbones from NVIDIA Research, FAN achieves SOTA robustness against various corruptions as highlighted in Table 1. This family of backbones can easily generalize to new domains, fighting noise and blur. Table 1 shows the accuracy of all FAN models on the ImageNet-1K dataset for both clean and corrupted versions. 

Model # of Params Accuracy (Clean/Corrupted)
FAN-Tiny-Hybrid 7.4M 80.1/57.4
FAN-Small-Hybrid 26.3M 83.5/64.7
FAN-Base-Hybrid 50.4M 83.9/66.4
FAN-Large-Hybrid 76.8M 84.3/68.3
Table 1: Size and accuracy for FAN models

Global Context Vision Transformer (GC-ViT) 

GC-ViT is a novel architecture from NVIDIA Research that achieves very high accuracy and compute efficiency. It addresses the lack of inductive bias in vision transformers. It also achieves better results on ImageNet with a smaller number of parameters through the use of local self-attention, which combined with global self-attention can give much better local and global spatial interactions. 

Model # of Params Accuracy
GC-ViT-xxTiny 12M 79.9
GC-ViT-xTiny 20M 82.0
GC-ViT-Tiny 28M 83.5
GC-ViT-Small 51M 84.3
GC-ViT-Base 90M 85.0
GC-ViT-Large 201M 85.7
Table 2: Size and accuracy for GC-ViT models

Detection transformer with improved denoising anchor (DINO) 

DINO is the newest generation of detection transformers (DETR) with faster training convergence compared to other ViTs and CNNs. DINO in the TAO Toolkit is flexible and can be combined with various backbones from traditional CNNs, such as ResNets, and transformer-based backbones like FAN and GC-ViT. 

The graph shows that a Vision Transformer based model, DINO, provides much better accuracy as compared to CNN-based models.
Figure 3. – Comparing the accuracy of DINO with other models


Segformer is a lightweight and robust transformer-based semantic segmentation. The decoder is made of lightweight multi-head perception layers. It avoids using positional encoding (mostly used by transformers), which makes the inference efficient at different resolutions. 

Powering efficient transformers with NVIDIA L4 GPUs

NVIDIA L4 GPUs are built for the next wave of vision AI workloads. They’re powered by the NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture, which is designed to accelerate transformative AI technologies. 

L4 GPUs are suitable for running ViT workloads with their high compute capability of FP8 485 TFLOPs with sparsity. FP8 reduces memory pressure when compared to larger precisions and dramatically accelerates AI throughput. 

The versatility and energy-efficient L4 with single-slot, low-profile form factor makes it ideal for vision AI deployments, including edge locations.

Watch this Metropolis Developer Meetup on-demand to learn more about ViTs, NVIDIA TAO Toolkit 5.0, and L4 GPUs.


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NVIDIA DGX Cloud — which delivers tools that can turn nearly any company into an AI company —  is now broadly available, with thousands of NVIDIA GPUs online on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, as well as NVIDIA infrastructure located in the U.S. and U.K. Unveiled at NVIDIA’s GTC conference in March, DGX Cloud is an AI Read article >


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SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NVIDIA today announced that it has named to its board of directors Melissa Lora, who spent three decades as an executive at Taco Bell …


Realizing the Power of Real-Time Network Processing with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO

Real-time processing of network traffic can be leveraged by the high degree of parallelism GPUs offer. Optimizing packet acquisition or transmission in these…

Real-time processing of network traffic can be leveraged by the high degree of parallelism GPUs offer. Optimizing packet acquisition or transmission in these types of applications avoids bottlenecks and enables the overall execution to keep up with high-speed networks. In this context, DOCA GPUNetIO promotes the GPU as an independent component that can exercise network and compute tasks without the intervention of the CPU.

This post provides a list of GPU packet processing applications focusing on different and unrelated contexts where NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO has been integrated to lower latency and maximize performance.


NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO is one of the new libraries released with the NVIDIA DOCA software framework. The DOCA GPUNetIO library enables direct communication between the NIC and the GPU through one or more CUDA kernels. This removes the CPU from the critical path. 

Using the CUDA device functions in the DOCA GPUNetIO library, a CUDA kernel can send and receive packets directly from and to the GPU without the need of CPU cores or memory. Key features of this library include:

  • GPUDirect Async Kernel-Initiated Network (GDAKIN): Communications over Ethernet; GPU (CUDA kernel) can directly interact with the network card to send or receive packets in GPU memory (GPUDirect RDMA) without the intervention of the CPU.
  • GPU memory exposure: Combine within a single function the basic CUDA memory allocation feature with the GDRCopy library to expose a GPU memory buffer to the direct access (read or write) from the CPU without using CUDA API.
  • Accurate Send Scheduling: From the GPU, it’s possible to schedule the transmission of a burst of packets in the future, associate a timestamp to it, and provide this information to the network card, which will in turn take care of sending packets at the right time.
  • Semaphores: Useful message passing object to share information and synchronize across different CUDA kernels or between a CUDA kernel and a CPU thread.

For a deep dive into the principles and benefits of DOCA GPUNetIO, see Inline GPU Packet Processing with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO. For more details about DOCA GPUNetIO API, refer to the DOCA GPUNetIO SDK Programming Guide.

Diagram showing a GPU-centric application in which the GPU can execute both network tasks (receive and send) and processing tasks. The CPU is no longer required.
Figure 1. Layout of the receive process in an NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO application. No CPU is involved, as the GPU can independently receive and process network packets

Along with the library, the following NVIDIA DOCA application and NVIDIA DOCA sample show how to use functions and features offered by the library. 

  • NVIDIA DOCA application: A GPU packet processing application that can detect, manage, filter, and analyze UDP, TCP, and ICMP traffic. The application also implements an HTTP over TCP server. With a simple HTTP client (curl or wget, for example), it’s possible to establish a TCP three-way handshake connection and ask for simple HTML pages through HTTP GET requests to the GPU.
  • NVIDIA DOCA sample: GPU send-only example that shows how to use the Accurate Send Scheduling feature (system configuration, functions to use).

DOCA GPUNetIO in real-world applications

DOCA GPUNetIO has been used to empower the NVIDIA Aerial SDK to send and receive using the GPU, getting rid of the CPU. For more details, see Inline GPU Packet Processing with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO. The sections below provide new examples that successfully use DOCA GPUNetIO to leverage the GPU packet acquisition with the GDAKIN technique.

NVIDIA Morpheus AI

NVIDIA Morpheus is a performance-oriented, application framework that enables cybersecurity developers to create fully optimized AI pipelines for filtering, processing, and classifying large volumes of real-time data. The framework abstracts GPU and CPU parallelism and concurrency through an accessible programming model consisting of Python and C++ APIs. 

Leveraging this framework, developers can quickly construct arbitrary data pipelines composed of stages that acquire, mutate, or publish data for a downstream consumer. You can apply Morpheus in different contexts including malware detection, phishing/spear phishing detection, ransomware detection, and many others. Its flexibility and high performance are ideal for real-time network traffic analysis.

For the network monitoring use case, the NVIDIA Morpheus team recently integrated the DOCA framework to implement a high-speed, low-latency GPU packet acquisition source stage to feed real-time packets to an AI-pipeline responsible for analyzing packets’ contents. For more details, visit Morpheus on GitHub.

A diagram showing the point of connection between DOCA GPUNetIO and Morpheus AI pipeline. If the packets pass the filter, their information is stored in a GPU memory buffer, accumulate, and trigger AI processing.
Figure 2. DOCA GPUNetIO and NVIDIA Morpheus AI pipeline are connected by a CUDA kernel that receives, filters, and analyzes incoming packets

As shown in Figure 2, GPU packet acquisition happens in real time. Through DOCA Flow, flow steering rules are applied to the Ethernet receive queues, meaning queues can only receive specific types of packets (TCP, for example). Morpheus launches a CUDA kernel, which performs the following steps in a loop:

  1. Receive packets using DOCA GPUNetIO receive function
  2. Filter and analyze in parallel packets in GPU memory
  3. Copy relevant packets info in a list of GPU memory buffers
  4. The related DOCA GPUNetIO semaphore item is set to READY when a buffer has accumulated enough packets of information
  5. The CUDA kernel in front of the AI pipeline is polling the semaphore item
  6. When the item is READY, AI is unblocked as packet information is ready in the buffer

The GTC session Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO) on Edge Networks presents a concrete example in which this architecture is leveraged to deploy a high-performance, AI-enabled SPAN/Network TAP solution. This solution was motivated by the daunting data rates in information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) networks, heterogeneity of Layer 7 application data, and edge computing size, weight, and power (SWaP) constraints. 

In the case of edge computing, many organizations are unable to “burst to cloud” when the compute demand increases, especially on disconnected edge networks. This scenario requires designing an architecture for I/O and compute challenges that deliver performance across the SWaP spectrum.

This DCO example addresses these constraints through the lens of a common cybersecurity problem, identifying leaked data (leaked passwords, secret keys, and PII, for example) in unencrypted TCP traffic, and represents an extension of the Morpheus SID demo. Identifying and remediating these vulnerabilities reduces the attack surface and increases the security posture of organizations.

In this example, the DCO solution receives packets into a heterogeneous Morpheus pipeline (GPU and concurrent CPU stages written in a mix of Python and C++) that applies a transformer model to detect leaked sensitive data in Layer 7 application data. It integrates outputs with the ELK stack, including an intuitive visualization for Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts to exploit (Figures 3 and 4).

Example Kibana dashboard showcasing results of DOCA GPUNetIO plus Morpheus Sensitive Information Detections including total detections of each type, a pairwise network map, and the distribution of packet sizes.
Figure 3. Kibana dashboard showcasing results of DOCA GPUNetIO plus Morpheus Sensitive Information Detections including total detections of each type, a pairwise network map, and the distribution of packet sizes
Screenshot of Kibana dashboard showcasing results of DOCA GPUNetIO plus Morpheus Sensitive Information Detections including filtered and processed network packets index at up to 50 K packets per second, including a table of payloads with leaked secret keys.
Figure 4. Kibana dashboard showcasing results of DOCA GPUNetIO plus Morpheus Sensitive Information Detections including filtered and processed network packets index at up to 50 K packets per second, including a table of payloads with leaked secret keys

The experimental setup included cloud-native UDP multicast and REST applications running on VMs with a 100 Gbps NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPU. These applications communicated through a SWaP-efficient NVIDIA Spectrum SN2100 Ethernet switch. Packet generators injected sensitive data into packets transmitted by these applications. Network packets were aggregated and mirrored off a SPAN port on the NVIDIA Spectrum SN2100 and sent to an NVIDIA A30X converged accelerator powering the Morpheus packet inspection pipeline achieving impressive throughput results.

  • This pipeline includes several components from I/O, packet filtering, packet processing, and indexing in a third-party SIEM platform (Elasticsearch). Focusing only on the I/O aspects, DOCA GPUNetIO enables Morpheus to receive packets into GPU memory at up to 100 Gbps with a single receive queue, removing a critical bottleneck in cyber packet processing applications.
  • Leveraging stage level concurrency, the pipeline demonstrated a 60% boost in Elasticsearch indexing throughput.
  • Running the end-to-end data pipeline on the NVIDIA A30X converged accelerator generated enriched packets at ~50% capacity of the elasticsearch indexer. Using twice as many A30Xs would fully saturate the indexer, providing a convenient scaling heuristic.
This figure depicts the end-to-end accelerated sensitive information detection packet processing application. SOC teams who leverage other SIEM/SOAR solutions (such as Splunk) are empowered to exchange Morpheus sink stages in their implementations.
Figure 5. The end-to-end packet processing application accelerates the detection of sensitive information

While this use case demonstrates a specific application of Morpheus, it represents the foundational components for cyber packet processing applications. Morpheus plus DOCA GPUNetIO together provide the performance and extensibility for a huge number of latency-sensitive and compute-intensive packet processing applications.

Line-rate radar signal processing

This section walks through an example in which the radar detection application ingests downconverted I/Q samples from a simulated range-only radar system at line rate of 100 Gbps, performing all required signal processing needed to convert the received I/Q RF samples into object detections in real time.

Remote sensing applications such as radar, lidar, and optical platforms rely on signal processing algorithms to turn the raw data collected from the environment they are measuring into actionable information. These algorithms are often highly parallelizable and require a high computational load, making them ideal for GPU-based processing.

Additionally, input sensors generate enormous quantities of raw data, meaning the ingress/egress capability of the processing solution must be able to handle very high bandwidths at low latencies. 

Further complicating the problem, many edge-based sensor systems have strict SWaP constraints, restricting the number and power of available CPU cores that might be used in other high-throughput networking approaches, such as DPDK-based GPUDirect RDMA.

DOCA GPUNetIO enables the GPU to directly handle the networking load as well as the signal processing required to make a real-time sensor streaming application successful.

Commonly used signal processing algorithms were used in the radar detection application. The flowchart in Figure 6 shows a graphical representation of the signal processing pipeline being used to convert the I/Q samples into detections.

Flowchart depicting the building blocks of a signal processing pipeline for computing detections from a reflected RF waveform in a range-only radar system. Stages are MTI Filtering, Pulse compression with FFR and Inverse FFT, and finally CFAR Detection.
Figure 6. The signal processing pipeline for computing detections from a reflected RF waveform in a range-only radar system

MTI filtering is a common technique used to eliminate stationary background clutter, such as the ground or buildings, from the reflected RF waveform in radar systems. The approach used here is known as the Three-Pulse Canceler, which is simply a convolution of the I/Q data in the pulse dimension with the filter coefficients ‘[+1, -2, +1].’

Pulse Compression maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the received waveform with respect to the presence of targets. It is performed by computing the cross-correlation of the received RF data with the transmitted waveform.

Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) detectors compute an empirical estimate of the noise, localized to each range bin of the filtered data. The power of each bin is then compared to the noise and declared a detection if it is statistically likely given the noise estimate and distribution.

A 3D buffer of size (# Waveforms) x (# Channels) x (# Samples) is used to hold the organized RF data being received (note that applying the MTI filter upon packet receipt reduces the size of the pulse dimension to 1). No ordering is assumed to the UDP data streaming in, except that it is streamed roughly in order of the packets’ ascending waveform ID. Around 500 complex samples are transmitted per-packet, and the samples’ location in the 3D buffer is dependent on the waveform ID, channel ID, and sample index.

This application runs two CUDA kernels and one CPU core persistently. The first CUDA kernel is responsible for using the DOCA GPUNetIO API to read packets from the NIC onto the GPU. The second CUDA kernel places packet data into the correct memory location based on metadata in the packets header and applies the MTI filter, and the CPU core is responsible for launching the CUDA kernels that handle Pulse Compression and CFAR. The FFTs were performed using the cuFFT library.

Figure 7 shows a graphical representation of the application.

Figure depicts the GPU-based signal processing pipeline with two CUDA kernels: one using DOCA GPUNetIO to receive packets in GPU memory and a second to analyze packets.
Figure 7. Graphical representation of how work is distributed for the GPU-based signal processing pipeline

The throughput of the radar detection pipeline is >100 Gbps. Running at the line rate of 100 Gbps for 1 million 16-channel waveforms, no packets were dropped and the signal processing never fell behind the throughput of the data stream. The latency, measured from when the last data packet for an independent waveform ID was received, was on the order of 3 milliseconds. An NVIDIA ConnectX-6 Dx SmartNIC and an NVIDIA A100 80 GB GPU were used. Data was sent through UDP packets over Ethernet.

Future work will evaluate the performance of this architecture when running exclusively on a BlueField DPU with an integrated GPU.

Real-time DSP services over GPU

Analog signals are everywhere, both artificial (Wi-Fi radio, for example) and natural (solar radiation and earthquakes, for example). To capture analog data digitally, sound waves must be converted using a D-A converter, controlled by parameters such as sample rate and sample bit depth. Digital audio and video can be processed with FFT, allowing sound designers to use tools such as an equalizer (EQ) to alter general characteristics of the signal.

This example explains how NVIDIA products and SDK were used to perform real-time audio DSP with GPU over the network. To do so, the team built a client that parses a WAV file, frames data into multiple Ethernet packets, and sends them over the network to a server application. This application is responsible for receiving packets, applying FFT, manipulating the audio signal, and finally sending back the modified data.

The client’s responsibility is recognizing which portion should be sent to the “server” for the signal processing chain and how to treat the processed samples when they are received back from the server. This approach supports multiple DSP algorithms, such as overlap-add, and various sample window selections.

The server application uses DOCA GPUNetIO to receive packets in GPU memory from a CUDA kernel. When a subset of packets has been received, the CUDA kernel in parallel applies the FFT through the cuFFTDx library to each packet’s payload. In parallel, to each packet, a different CUDA thread applies a frequency filter reducing the amplitude of low or high frequencies. Basically, it applies a low-pass or high-pass filter.

Diagram depicting the client-server architecture where the client splits a WAV file into multiple Ethernet packets and sends them to the server. On the server, a CUDA kernel in a continuous loop receives those packets, applies frequency filters and then sends back the modified packets.
Figure 8. Client-server architecture built to demonstrate how to do real-time DSP services using a GPU over the network

An inverse FFT is applied to each packet. Through DOCA GPUNetIO, the CUDA kernel sends back to the client the modified packets. The client reorders packets and rebuilds them to recreate an audible and reproducible WAV audio file with sound effects applied.

Using the client, the team could tweak parameters to optimize performance and the quality of the audio output. It is possible to separate the flows and multiplex streams into their processing chains, thus offloading many complex computations into the GPU. This is just scratching the potential of this solution, which could open new market opportunities for cloud DSP service providers.


DOCA GPUNetIO library promotes a generic GPU-centric approach for both packets’ acquisition and transmission in network applications exercising real-time traffic analysis. This post demonstrates how this library can be adopted in a wide range of applications from different contexts, providing huge improvements for latency, throughput, and system resource utilization.

To learn more about GPU packet processing and GPUNetIO, see the following resources:


Event: Jensen Huang NVIDIA Keynote at SIGGRAPH 2023

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