
​​Deep Hierarchical Planning from Pixels

Research into how artificial agents can make decisions has evolved rapidly through advances in deep reinforcement learning. Compared to generative ML models like GPT-3 and Imagen, artificial agents can directly influence their environment through actions, such as moving a robot arm based on camera inputs or clicking a button in a web browser. While artificial agents have the potential to be increasingly helpful to people, current methods are held back by the need to receive detailed feedback in the form of frequently provided rewards to learn successful strategies. For example, despite large computational budgets, even powerful programs such as AlphaGo are limited to a few hundred moves until receiving their next reward.

In contrast, complex tasks like making a meal require decision making at all levels, from planning the menu, navigating to the store to pick up groceries, and following the recipe in the kitchen to properly executing the fine motor skills needed at each step along the way based on high-dimensional sensory inputs. Hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) promises to automatically break down such complex tasks into manageable subgoals, enabling artificial agents to solve tasks more autonomously from fewer rewards, also known as sparse rewards. However, research progress on HRL has proven to be challenging; current methods rely on manually specified goal spaces or subtasks, and no general solution exists.

To spur progress on this research challenge and in collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley, we present the Director agent, which learns practical, general, and interpretable hierarchical behaviors from raw pixels. Director trains a manager policy to propose subgoals within the latent space of a learned world model and trains a worker policy to achieve these goals. Despite operating on latent representations, we can decode Director’s internal subgoals into images to inspect and interpret its decisions. We evaluate Director across several benchmarks, showing that it learns diverse hierarchical strategies and enables solving tasks with very sparse rewards where previous approaches fail, such as exploring 3D mazes with quadruped robots directly from first-person pixel inputs.

Director learns to solve complex long-horizon tasks by automatically breaking them down into subgoals. Each panel shows the environment interaction on the left and the decoded internal goals on the right.

How Director Works
Director learns a world model from pixels that enables efficient planning in a latent space. The world model maps images to model states and then predicts future model states given potential actions. From predicted trajectories of model states, Director optimizes two policies: The manager chooses a new goal every fixed number of steps, and the worker learns to achieve the goals through low-level actions. However, choosing goals directly in the high-dimensional continuous representation space of the world model would be a challenging control problem for the manager. Instead, we learn a goal autoencoder to compress the model states into smaller discrete codes. The manager then selects discrete codes and the goal autoencoder turns them into model states before passing them as goals to the worker.

Left: The goal autoencoder (blue) compresses the world model (green) state (st) into discrete codes (z). Right: The manager policy (orange) selects a code that the goal decoder (blue) turns into a feature space goal (g). The worker policy (red) learns to achieve the goal from future trajectories (s1, …, s4) predicted by the world model.

All components of Director are optimized concurrently, so the manager learns to select goals that are achievable by the worker. The manager learns to select goals to maximize both the task reward and an exploration bonus, leading the agent to explore and steer towards remote parts of the environment. We found that preferring model states where the goal autoencoder incurs high prediction error is a simple and effective exploration bonus. Unlike prior methods, such as Feudal Networks, our worker receives no task reward and learns purely from maximizing the feature space similarity between the current model state and the goal. This means the worker has no knowledge of the task and instead concentrates all its capacity on achieving goals.

Benchmark Results
Whereas prior work in HRL often resorted to custom evaluation protocols — such as assuming diverse practice goals, access to the agents’ global position on a 2D map, or ground-truth distance rewards — Director operates in the end-to-end RL setting. To test the ability to explore and solve long-horizon tasks, we propose the challenging Egocentric Ant Maze benchmark. This challenging suite of tasks requires finding and reaching goals in 3D mazes by controlling the joints of a quadruped robot, given only proprioceptive and first-person camera inputs. The sparse reward is given when the robot reaches the goal, so the agents have to autonomously explore in the absence of task rewards throughout most of their learning.

The Egocentric Ant Maze benchmark measures the ability of agents to explore in a temporally-abstract manner to find the sparse reward at the end of the maze.

We evaluate Director against two state-of-the-art algorithms that are also based on world models: Plan2Explore, which maximizes both task reward and an exploration bonus based on ensemble disagreement, and Dreamer, which simply maximizes the task reward. Both baselines learn non-hierarchical policies from imagined trajectories of the world model. We find that Plan2Explore results in noisy movements that flip the robot onto its back, preventing it from reaching the goal. Dreamer reaches the goal in the smallest maze but fails to explore the larger mazes. In these larger mazes, Director is the only method to find and reliably reach the goal.

To study the ability of agents to discover very sparse rewards in isolation and separately from the challenge of representation learning of 3D environments, we propose the Visual Pin Pad suite. In these tasks, the agent controls a black square, moving it around to step on differently colored pads. At the bottom of the screen, the history of previously activated pads is shown, removing the need for long-term memory. The task is to discover the correct sequence for activating all the pads, at which point the agent receives the sparse reward. Again, Director outperforms previous methods by a large margin.

The Visual Pin Pad benchmark allows researchers to evaluate agents under very sparse rewards and without confounding challenges such as perceiving 3D scenes or long-term memory.

In addition to solving tasks with sparse rewards, we study Director’s performance on a wide range of tasks common in the literature that typically require no long-term exploration. Our experiment includes 12 tasks that cover Atari games, Control Suite tasks, DMLab maze environments, and the research platform Crafter. We find that Director succeeds across all these tasks with the same hyperparameters, demonstrating the robustness of the hierarchy learning process. Additionally, providing the task reward to the worker enables Director to learn precise movements for the task, fully matching or exceeding the performance of the state-of-the-art Dreamer algorithm.

Director solves a wide range of standard tasks with dense rewards with the same hyperparameters, demonstrating the robustness of the hierarchy learning process.

Goal Visualizations
While Director uses latent model states as goals, the learned world model allows us to decode these goals into images for human interpretation. We visualize the internal goals of Director for multiple environments to gain insights into its decision making and find that Director learns diverse strategies for breaking down long-horizon tasks. For example, on the Walker and Humanoid tasks, the manager requests a forward leaning pose and shifting floor patterns, with the worker filling in the details of how the legs need to move. In the Egocentric Ant Maze, the manager steers the ant robot by requesting a sequence of different wall colors. In the 2D research platform Crafter, the manager requests resource collection and tools via the inventory display at the bottom of the screen, and in DMLab mazes, the manager encourages the worker via the teleport animation that occurs right after collecting the desired object.

Left: In Egocentric Ant Maze XL, the manager directs the worker through the maze by targeting walls of different colors. Right: In Visual Pin Pad Six, the manager specifies subgoals via the history display at the bottom and by highlighting different pads.
Left: In Walker, the manager requests a forward leaning pose with both feet off the ground and a shifting floor pattern, with the worker filling in the details of leg movement. Right: In the challenging Humanoid task, Director learns to stand up and walk reliably from pixels and without early episode terminations.
Left: In Crafter, the manager requests resource collection via the inventory display at the bottom of the screen. Right: In DMLab Goals Small, the manager requests the teleport animation that occurs when receiving a reward as a way to communicate the task to the worker.

Future Directions
We see Director as a step forward in HRL research and are preparing its code to be released in the future. Director is a practical, interpretable, and generally applicable algorithm that provides an effective starting point for the future development of hierarchical artificial agents by the research community, such as allowing goals to only correspond to subsets of the full representation vectors, dynamically learning the duration of the goals, and building hierarchical agents with three or more levels of temporal abstraction. We are optimistic that future algorithmic advances in HRL will unlock new levels of performance and autonomy of intelligent agents.


No Fueling Around: Designers Collaborate in Extended Reality on Porsche Electric Race Car

A one-of-a-kind electric race car revved to life before it was manufactured — or even prototyped — thanks to GPU-powered extended reality technology. At the Automotive Innovation Forum in May, NVIDIA worked with Autodesk VRED to showcase a photorealistic Porsche electric sports car in augmented reality, with multiple attendees collaborating in the same immersive environment. Read article >

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Designing Arithmetic Circuits with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Learn how NVIDIA researchers use AI to design better arithmetic circuits that power our AI chips.

As Moore’s law slows down, it becomes increasingly important to develop other techniques that improve the performance of a chip at the same technology process node. Our approach uses AI to design smaller, faster, and more efficient circuits to deliver more performance with each chip generation.

Vast arrays of arithmetic circuits have powered NVIDIA GPUs to achieve unprecedented acceleration for AI, high-performance computing, and computer graphics. Thus, improving the design of these arithmetic circuits would be critical in improving the performance and efficiency of GPUs.

What if AI could learn to design these circuits? In PrefixRL: Optimization of Parallel Prefix Circuits using Deep Reinforcement Learning, we demonstrate that not only can AI learn to design these circuits from scratch, but AI-designed circuits are also smaller and faster than those designed by state-of-the-art electronic design automation (EDA) tools. The latest NVIDIA Hopper GPU architecture has nearly 13,000 instances of AI-designed circuits.

Two circuit layouts are shown side by side. The layout on the left is smaller in height and width than the layout on the right.
Figure 1. 64b adder circuits designed by PrefixRL AI (left) are up to 25% smaller than that designed by a state-of-the-art EDA tool (right) while being as fast and functionally equivalent

In Figure 1, the circuit corresponds to the (31.4µm², 0.186ns) point in the PrefixRL curve in Figure 5.

The circuit design game

Arithmetic circuits in computer chips are constructed using a network of logic gates (like NAND, NOR, and XOR) and wires. The desirable circuit should have the following characteristics:

  • Small: A lower area so that more circuits can fit on a chip.
  • Fast: A lower delay to improve the performance of the chip.
  • Consume less power: A lower power consumption of the chip.

In our paper, we focus on circuit area and delay. We find that power consumption is well-correlated with area for our circuits of interest. Circuit area and delay are often competing properties, so we want to find the Pareto frontier of designs that effectively trades off these properties. Put simply, we desire the minimum area circuit at every delay.

In PrefixRL, we focus on a popular class of arithmetic circuits called (parallel) prefix circuits. Various important circuits in the GPU such as adders, incrementors, and encoders are prefix circuits that can be defined at a higher level as prefix graphs.

In this work, we specifically ask the question: can an AI agent design good prefix graphs? The state-space of all prefix graphs is large O(2^n^n) and cannot be explored using brute force methods.

a block diagram showing the Qnetwork block observes a prefix graph with four nodes and proposes another node (3,2) to be added. The prefix graphs before and after the node addition are shown. There are arrows from both nodes with the label “circuit synthesis” pointing to corresponding layouts of synthesized circuits. The difference in area and delay between the synthesized circuits are labeled as reward.
Figure 2. One iteration of PrefixRL with a 4b circuit example

A prefix graph is converted into a circuit with wires and logic gates using a circuit generator. These generated circuits are then further optimized by a physical synthesis tool using physical synthesis optimizations such as gate sizing, duplication, and buffer insertion.

The final circuit properties (delay, area, and power) do not directly translate from the original prefix graph properties, such as level and node count, due to these physical synthesis optimizations. This is why the AI agent learns to design prefix graphs but optimizes for the properties of the final circuit generated from the prefix graph.

We pose arithmetic circuit design as a reinforcement learning (RL) task, where we train an agent to optimize the area and delay properties of arithmetic circuits. For prefix circuits, we design an environment where the RL agent can add or remove a node from the prefix graph, after which the following steps happen:

  1. The prefix graph is legalized to always maintain a correct prefix sum computation.
  2. A circuit is generated from the legalized prefix graph.
  3. The circuit undergoes physical synthesis optimizations using a physical synthesis tool.
  4. The area and delay properties of the circuit are measured.

During an episode, the RL agent builds up the prefix graph step-by-step by adding or removing nodes. At each step, the agent receives the improvement in the corresponding circuit area and delay as rewards.

State and action representation and the deep reinforcement learning model

We use the Q-learning algorithm to train the circuit designer agent. We use a grid representation for prefix graphs where each element in the grid uniquely maps to a prefix node. This grid representation is used at both the input and output of the Q-network. Each element in the input grid represents whether a node is present or absent. Each element in the output grid represents the Q-values for adding or removing a node.

We use a fully convolutional neural network architecture for the agent as the input and output of the Q-learning agent are grid representations. The agent separately predicts the Q values for the area and delay properties because the rewards for area and delay are separately observable during training.

there is a left and right panel in this image. The left panel has two columns and three rows. Each row corresponds to a different prefix graph. The two columns show the graph structure and the corresponding grid representation respectively. The second row, for example, has the nodes (3:3), (2:2), (1:1), (0:0), (3:0), (2:0), (1:0), (3:2) in (msb:lsb) format. The grid representation plots these nodes on a grid where rows are msb and columns are lsbs. The graph representation has node (3:0) with parents (3:2) and (1:0), node (2:0) with parents (2:2) and (1:0), node (3:2) with parents (3:3) and (2:2), node (1:0) with parents (1:1) and (0:0). The right panel shows a block diagram of a neural network where blocks are layers. From input to output the blocks are CONV 3X3, STRIDE1, BATCHNORM, RELU, a few RESIDUAL blocks, CON1X1, STRIDE 1, BATCHNORM, LRELU, CONV1X1, STRIDE 1. The input to the neural network is the grid representation. The outputs are Q of {area, delay}X{add, delete} for nodes on the same grid representation.
Figure 3. Representations of certain 4b prefix graphs (left) and fully convolutional Q-learning agent architecture (right)

Distributed training with Raptor

PrefixRL is a computationally demanding task: physical simulation required 256 CPUs for each GPU and training the 64b case took over 32,000 GPU hours.

We developed Raptor, an in-house distributed reinforcement learning platform that takes special advantage of NVIDIA hardware for this kind of industrial reinforcement learning (Figure 4).

Raptor has several features that enhance scalability and training speed such as job scheduling, custom networking, and GPU-aware data structures. In the context of PrefixRL, Raptor makes the distribution of work across a mix of CPUs, GPUs, and Spot instances possible.

Networking in this reinforcement learning application is diverse and benefits from the following.

  • Raptor’s ability to switch between NCCL for point-to-point transfer to transfer model parameters directly from the learner GPU to an inference GPU.
  • Redis for asynchronous and smaller messages such as rewards or statistics.
  • A JIT-compiled RPC to handle high volume and low latency requests such as uploading experience data.

Finally, Raptor provides GPU-aware data structures such as a replay buffer that has a multithreaded server to receive experience from multiple workers, and batches data in parallel and prefetches it onto the GPU.

Figure 4 shows that our framework powers concurrent training and data collection, and takes advantage of NCCL to efficiently send actors the latest parameters.

A flow diagram with blocks for actors and optimizers on GPUs, an arrow showing NN parameter transfer using NCCL from optimizers to actors. Block for the environment has actions flow from actors and states flow to actors. States also flow to block with circuit synthesis CPU and synthesis cache. Action and states also flow to the experience buffer. Rewards from circuit synthesis flow to experience buffer. States, actions, and rewards are sampled from the experience buffer and flow to optimizers.
Figure 4. We use Raptor for decoupled and parallelized training and reward calculation to overcome circuit synthesis latency

Reward computation

We use a tradeoff weight w from [0,1] to combine the area and delay objectives. We train various agents with various weights to obtain a Pareto frontier of designs that balance the tradeoff between area and delay.

The physical synthesis optimizations in the RL environment can generate various solutions to tradeoff between area and delay. We should drive the physical synthesis tool with the same tradeoff weight for which a particular agent is trained.

Performing physical synthesis optimizations in the loop for reward computation has several advantages.

  • The RL agent learns to directly optimize the final circuit properties for a target technology node and library.
  • The RL agent can optimize the properties of the target arithmetic circuit and its surrounding logic jointly by including the surrounding logic during physical synthesis.

However, performing physical synthesis is a slow process (~35 seconds for 64b adders), which can greatly slow RL training and exploration.

We decouple reward calculation from state update as the agent only needs the current prefix graph state to take actions, and not circuit synthesis nor previous rewards. Thanks to Raptor, we can offload the lengthy reward calculation onto a pool of CPU workers to perform physical synthesis in parallel, while actor agents step through the environment without needing to wait.

When rewards are returned by the CPU workers, the transitions can then be inserted into the replay buffer. Synthesis rewards are cached to avoid redundant computation whenever a state is reencountered.


The RL agents learn to design circuits tabula rasa purely through learning with feedback from synthesized circuit properties. Figure 5 shows the latest results* that use 64b adder circuits designed by PrefixRL, Pareto-dominated adder circuits from a state-of-the-art EDA tool in area and delay.

The best PrefixRL adder achieved a 25% lower area than the EDA tool adder at the same delay. These prefix graphs that map to Pareto optimal adder circuits after physical synthesis optimizations have irregular structures.

Animation with a fixed right panel showing Pareto curves of PrefixRL and EDA tool on area and delay axes. PrefixRL curve is lower area and delay throughout. Animated left panel displays various prefix graph architectures at different times and an arrow point to the corresponding point on the PrefixRL curve.
Figure 5. PrefixRL designs arithmetic circuits that are smaller and faster than circuits designed by a state-of-the-art EDA tool. (left) The circuit architectures; (right) the corresponding 64b adder circuit properties plots


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first method using a deep reinforcement learning agent to design arithmetic circuits. We hope that this method can be a blueprint for applying AI to real-world circuit design problems: constructing action spaces, state representations, RL agent models, optimizing for multiple competing objectives, and overcoming slow reward computation processes such as physical synthesis.

For more information and comparisons against other approaches, see PrefixRL: Optimization of Parallel Prefix Circuits using Deep Reinforcement Learning (preprint).


Mission-Driven: Takeaways From Our Corporate Responsibility Report

NVIDIA’s latest corporate responsibility report shares our efforts in empowering employees and putting to work our technologies for the benefit of humanity. Amid ongoing global economic concerns and pandemic challenges, this year’s report highlights our ability to attract and retain talent that come here to do their life’s work while tackling some of the world’s Read article >

The post Mission-Driven: Takeaways From Our Corporate Responsibility Report appeared first on NVIDIA Blog.


Enabling Creative Expression with Concept Activation Vectors

Advances in computer vision and natural language processing continue to unlock new ways of exploring billions of images available on public and searchable websites. Today’s visual search tools make it possible to search with your camera, voice, text, images, or multiple modalities at the same time. However, it remains difficult to input subjective concepts, such as visual tones or moods, into current systems. For this reason, we have been working collaboratively with artists, photographers, and image researchers to explore how machine learning (ML) might enable people to use expressive queries as a way of visually exploring datasets.

Today, we are introducing Mood Board Search, a new ML-powered research tool that uses mood boards as a query over image collections. This enables people to define and evoke visual concepts on their own terms. Mood Board Search can be useful for subjective queries, such as “peaceful”, or for words and individual images that may not be specific enough to produce useful results in a standard search, such as “abstract details in overlooked scenes” or “vibrant color palette that feels part memory, part dream“. We developed, and will continue to develop, this research tool in alignment with our AI Principles.

Search Using Mood Boards
With Mood Board Search, our goal is to design a flexible and approachable interface so people without ML expertise can train a computer to recognize a visual concept as they see it. The tool interface is inspired by mood boards, commonly used by people in creative fields to communicate the “feel” of an idea using collections of visual materials.

With Mood Board Search, users can train a computer to recognize visual concepts in image collections.

To get started, simply drag and drop a small number of images that represent the idea you want to convey. Mood Board Search returns the best results when the images share a consistent visual quality, so results are more likely to be relevant with mood boards that share visual similarities in color, pattern, texture, or composition.

It’s also possible to signal which images are more important to a visual concept by upweighting or downweighting images, or by adding images that are the opposite of the concept. Then, users can review and inspect search results to understand which part of an image best matches the visual concept. Focus mode does this by revealing a bounding box around part of the image, while AI crop cuts in directly, making it easier to draw attention to new compositions.

Supported interactions, like AI crop, allow users to see which part of an image best matches their visual concept.

Powered by Concept Activation Vectors (CAVs)
Mood Board Search takes advantage of pre-trained computer vision models, such as GoogLeNet and MobileNet, and a machine learning approach called Concept Activation Vectors (CAVs).

CAVs are a way for machines to represent images (what we understand) using numbers or directions in a neural net’s embedding space (which can be thought of as what machines understand). CAVs can be used as part of a technique, Testing with CAVs (TCAV), to quantify the degree to which a user-defined concept is important to a classification result; e.g., how sensitive a prediction of “zebra” is to the presence of stripes. This is a research approach we open-sourced in 2018, and the work has since been widely applied to medical applications and science to build ML applications that can provide better explanations for what machines see. You can learn more about embedding vectors in general in this Google AI blog post, and our approach to working with TCAVs in Been Kim’s Keynote at ICLR.

In Mood Board Search, we use CAVs to find a model’s sensitivity to a mood board created by the user. In other words, each mood board creates a CAV — a direction in embedding space — and the tool searches an image dataset, surfacing images that are the closest match to the CAV. However, the tool takes it one step further, by segmenting each image in the dataset in 15 different ways, to uncover as many relevant compositions as possible. This is the approach behind features like Focus mode and AI crop.

Three artists created visual concepts to share their way of seeing, shown here in an experimental app by design invention studio, Nord Projects.

Because embedding vectors can be learned and re-used across models, tools like Mood Board Search can help us express our perspective to other people. Early collaborations with creative communities have shown value in being able to create and share subjective experiences with others, resulting in feelings of being able to “break out of visually-similar echo chambers” or “see the world through another person’s eyes”. Even misalignment between model and human understanding of a concept frequently resulted in unexpected and inspiring connections for collaborators. Taken together, these findings point towards new ways of designing collaborative ML systems that embrace personal and collective subjectivity.

Conclusions and Future Work
Today, we’re open-sourcing the code to Mood Board Search, including three visual concepts made by our collaborators, and a Mood Board Search Python Library for people to tap the power of CAVs directly into their own websites and apps. While these tools are early-stage prototypes, we believe this capability can have a wide-range of applications from exploring unorganized image collections to externalizing ways of seeing into collaborative and shareable artifacts. Already, an experimental app by design invention studio Nord Projects, made using Mood Board Search, investigates the opportunities for running CAVs in camera, in real-time. In future work, we plan to use Mood Board Search to learn about new forms of human-machine collaboration and expand ML models and inputs — like text and audio — to allow even deeper subjective discoveries, regardless of medium.

If you’re interested in a demo of this work for your team or organization, email us at [email protected].

This blog presents research by (in alphabetical order): Kira Awadalla, Been Kim, Eva Kozanecka, Alison Lentz, Alice Moloney, Emily Reif, and Oliver Siy, in collaboration with design invention studio Nord Projects. We thank our co-author, Eva Kozanecka, our artist collaborators, Alexander Etchells, Tom Hatton, Rachel Maggart, the Imaging team at The British Library for their participation in beta previews, and Blaise Agüera y Arcas, Jess Holbrook, Fernanda Viegas, and Martin Wattenberg for their support of this research project.


Wordle for AI: Santiago Valderrama on Getting Smarter on Machine Learning

Want to learn about AI and machine learning? There are plenty of resources out there to help — blogs, podcasts, YouTube tutorials — perhaps too many. Machine learning engineer Santiago Valderrama has taken a far more focused approach to helping us all get smarter about the field. He’s created a following by posing one machine Read article >

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GFN Thursday Brings New Games to GeForce NOW for the Perfect Summer Playlist

Nothing beats the summer heat like GFN Thursday. Get ready for four new titles streaming at GeForce quality across nearly any device. Buckle up for some great gaming, whether poolside, in the car for a long road trip, or in the air-conditioned comfort of home. Speaking of summer, it’s also last call for this year’s Read article >

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MLGO: A Machine Learning Framework for Compiler Optimization

The question of how to compile faster and smaller code arose together with the birth of modem computers. Better code optimization can significantly reduce the operational cost of large datacenter applications. The size of compiled code matters the most to mobile and embedded systems or software deployed on secure boot partitions, where the compiled binary must fit in tight code size budgets. With advances in the field, the headroom has been heavily squeezed with increasingly complicated heuristics, impeding maintenance and further improvements.

Recent research has shown that machine learning (ML) can unlock more opportunities in compiler optimization by replacing complicated heuristics with ML policies. However, adopting ML in general-purpose, industry-strength compilers remains a challenge.

To address this, we introduce “MLGO: a Machine Learning Guided Compiler Optimizations Framework”, the first industrial-grade general framework for integrating ML techniques systematically in LLVM (an open-source industrial compiler infrastructure that is ubiquitous for building mission-critical, high-performance software). MLGO uses reinforcement learning (RL) to train neural networks to make decisions that can replace heuristics in LLVM. We describe two MLGO optimizations for LLVM: 1) reducing code size with inlining; and 2) improving code performance with register allocation (regalloc). Both optimizations are available in the LLVM repository, and have been deployed in production.

How Does MLGO Work? With Inlining-for-Size As a Case Study
Inlining helps reduce code size by making decisions that enable the removal of redundant code. In the example below, the caller function foo() calls the callee function bar(), which itself calls baz(). Inlining both callsites returns a simple foo() function that reduces the code size.

Inlining reduces code size by removing redundant code.

In real code, there are thousands of functions calling each other, and thus comprise a call graph. During the inlining phase, the compiler traverses over the call graph on all caller-callee pairs, and makes decisions on whether to inline a caller-callee pair or not. It is a sequential decision process as previous inlining decisions will alter the call graph, affecting later decisions and the final result. In the example above, the call graph foo()bar()baz() needs a “yes” decision on both edges to make the code size reduction happen.

Before MLGO, the inline / no-inline decision was made by a heuristic that, over time, became increasingly difficult to improve. MLGO substitutes the heuristic with an ML model. During the call graph traversal, the compiler seeks advice from a neural network on whether to inline a particular caller-callee pair by feeding in relevant features (i.e., inputs) from the graph, and executes the decisions sequentially until the whole call graph is traversed.

Illustration of MLGO during inlining. “#bbs”, “#users”, and “callsite height” are example caller-callee pair features.

MLGO trains the decision network (policy) with RL using policy gradient and evolution strategies algorithms. While there is no ground truth about best decisions, online RL iterates between training and running compilation with the trained policy to collect data and improve the policy. In particular, given the current model under training, the compiler consults the model for inline / no-inline decision making during the inlining stage. After the compilation finishes, it produces a log of the sequential decision process (state, action, reward). The log is then passed to the trainer to update the model. This process repeats until we obtain a satisfactory model.

Compiler behavior during training. The compiler compiles the source code foo.cpp to an object file foo.o with a sequence of optimization passes, one of which is the inline pass.

The trained policy is then embedded into the compiler to provide inline / no-inline decisions during compilation. Unlike the training scenario, the policy does not produce a log. The TensorFlow model is embedded with XLA AOT, which converts the model into executable code. This avoids TensorFlow runtime dependency and overhead, minimizing the extra time and memory cost introduced by ML model inference at compilation time.

Compiler behavior in production.

We trained the inlining-for-size policy on a large internal software package containing 30k modules. The trained policy is generalizable when applied to compile other software and achieves a 3% ~ 7% size reduction. In addition to the generalizability across software, generalizability across time is also important — both the software and compiler are under active development so the trained policy needs to retain good performance for a reasonable time. We evaluated the model’s performance on the same set of software three months later and found only slight degradation.

Inlining-for-size policy size reduction percentages. The x-axis presents different software and the y-axis represents the percentage size reduction. “Training” is the software on which the model was trained and “Infra[1|2|3]” are different internal software packages.

The MLGO inlining-for-size training has been deployed on Fuchsia — a general purpose open source operating system designed to power a diverse ecosystem of hardware and software, where binary size is critical. Here, MLGO showed a 6.3% size reduction for C++ translation units.

Register-Allocation (for performance)
As a general framework, we used MLGO to improve the register allocation pass, which improves the code performance in LLVM. Register Allocation solves the problem of assigning physical registers to live ranges (i.e., variables).

As the code executes, different live ranges are completed at different times, freeing up registers for use by subsequent processing stages. In the example below, each “add” and “multiply” instruction requires all operands and the result to be in physical registers. The live range x is allocated to the green register and is completed before either live ranges in the blue or yellow registers. After x is completed, the green register becomes available and is assigned to live range t.

Register allocation example.

When it’s time to allocate live range q, there are no available registers, so the register allocation pass must decide which (if any) live range can be “evicted” from its register to make room for q. This is referred to as the “live range eviction” problem, and is the decision for which we train the model to replace original heuristics. In this particular example, it evicts z from the yellow register, and assigns it to q and the first half of z.

We now consider the unassigned second half of live range z. We have a conflict again, and this time the live range t is evicted and split, and the first half of t and the final part of z end up using the green register. The middle part of z corresponds to the instruction q = t * y, where z is not being used, so it is not assigned to any register and its value is stored in the stack from the yellow register, which later gets reloaded to the green register. The same happens to t. This adds extra load/store instructions to the code and degrades performance. The goal of the register allocation algorithm is to reduce such inefficiencies as much as possible. This is used as the reward to guide RL policy training.

Similar to the inlining-for-size policy, the register allocation (regalloc-for-performance) policy is trained on a large Google internal software package, and is generalizable across different software, with 0.3% ~1.5% improvements in queries per second (QPS) on a set of internal large-scale datacenter applications. The QPS improvement has persisted for months after its deployment, showing the model’s generalizability across the time horizon.

Conclusion and Future Work
We propose MLGO, a framework for integrating ML techniques systematically in an industrial compiler, LLVM. MLGO is a general framework that can be expanded to be: 1) deeper, e.g., adding more features, and applying better RL algorithms; and 2) broader, by applying it to more optimization heuristics beyond inlining and regalloc. We are enthusiastic about the possibilities MLGO can bring to the compiler optimization domain and look forward to its further adoption and to future contributions from the research community.

Try it Yourself
Check out the open-sourced end-to-end data collection and training solution on github and a demo that uses policy gradient to train an inlining-for-size policy.

We’d like to thank MLGO’s contributors and collaborators Eugene Brevdo, Jacob Hegna, Gaurav Jain, David Li, Zinan Lin, Kshiteej Mahajan, Jack Morris, Girish Mururu, Jin Xin Ng, Robert Ormandi, Easwaran Raman, Ondrej Sykora, Maruf Zaber, Weiye Zhao. We would also like to thank Petr Hosek, Yuqian Li, Roland McGrath, Haowei Wu for trusting us and deploying MLGO in Fuchsia as MLGO’s very first customer; thank David Blaikie, Eric Christopher, Brooks Moses, Jordan Rupprecht for helping to deploy MLGO in Google internal large-scale datacenter applications; and thank Ed Chi, Tipp Moseley for their leadership support.


Jetson Project of the Month: Exploring Human-Robot Interactions with Pretrained Models

Learn how developers used pretrained machine learning models and the Jetson Nano 2GB to create Mariola, a robot that can mimic human actions, from arm and head movements to making faces.

They say “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” Well, in the case of a robotics project by Polish-based developer Tomasz Tomanek, imitation—or mimicry—is the goal of his robot named Mariola. 

In this latest Jetson Project of the Month, Tomanek has developed a funky little robot using pretrained machine learning models to make human-robot interactions come to life. The main controller for this robot is the Jetson Nano 2GB

The use of PoseNet models make it possible for Mariola to recognize the posture and movements of a person, and then use those models to make the robot mimic or replicate those human actions. As Tomanek notes, “the use of the Jetson Nano makes it quite simple and straightforward to achieve this goal.” 

An overview about Mariola is available in this YouTube video from the developer: 

Video 1. Mariola with Jetson Nano

As you can see, Mariola is able to drive on wheels, move its arms, turn its head, and make faces. Separate Arduino controllers embedded in each section of the robot’s body enable those actions. Separate controllers for servo motors control the movement of the arms and head. The robot has four mecanum wheels so that it can move omnidirectionally.

Mariola’s facial expressions use a separate microcontroller built from NeoPixel LEDs, a set of two for each eye and a set of eight for the mouth. Daisy-chained together, they are driven by a separate Arduino nano board that manages color changes and the appearance of blinking eyes.

According to Tomanek, one key idea of the Mariola build was to make each subsystem a separate unit and let them communicate through an internal bus. There is a UART/BT receiver Arduino nano, and its role is to get the command from the user and decode to which subcontroller it needs to go and send it through CAN BUS

Each subcontroller gets its commands from CAN BUS and creates the corresponding action for the wheels, the servos (hands and head moves), or the face (NeoPixels).

Tomanek notes in the NVIDIA Developer Forum that the Jetson Nano at the back of the robot is the brain running a customized Python script with the resnet18-body that returns the planar coordinates of a person’s joints when it detects them. Those coordinates are recalculated through an IK model to get the servo’s positions, and the results are sent to the master Arduino through UART. The Arduinos do the rest of the movement. 

Currently, Mariola will detect and then mimic the movement of one person at a time. If no one is visible to the robot, or if more than one person is detected, no action occurs. 

Why did Tomanek choose a Jetson Nano for this project? As he notes, “the potential power of the pretrained model available for the Jetson, along with the affordability [of the Jetson Nano], brought me to use the 2GB version to learn and see how it works.” 

“This is a work in progress and learning project for me,” Tomanek notes. While there is no stated goal to Mariola, he sees it as an opportunity to experiment and learn what can be achieved by using this technology. “The best outcome so far is that with those behaviors driven by the machine learning model, there is a certain kind of autonomy for this small robot.” 

When people interact with Mariola for the first time, Tomanek says “it always generates smiles. This is a very interesting aspect of human-robot interactions.” It’s easy to see why that would happen. Just watch Mariola in action–we dare you not to smile: 

Video 2. Robotic project demo with Arduino and Jetson Nano

The Mariola project continues in active development, and is modified and updated on a regular basis. As Tomanek concludes in his overview video, “We’ll see what the future will bring.”

More details about the project are available in this GitHub repository


Visualizing Interactive Simulations with Omniverse Extension for NVIDIA Modulus

Learn how you can prepost process your NVIDIA Modulus simulations using the Modulus Omniverse extension.

NVIDIA Modulus is a physics-machine learning platform that blends the power of physics with data to build high-fidelity, parameterized AI surrogate models that serve as digital twins to simulate with near real-time latency. 

This cutting-edge framework is expanding its interactive simulation capabilities by integrating with the NVIDIA Omniverse (OV) platform for real-time virtual-world simulation and full-design fidelity visualization. 

Previously, you would need to set up the visualization pipeline, a key component of simulation and analysis workflows, on your own. Now, you can use the built-in pipeline in Omniverse for common output scenarios such as visualizing streamlines and iso-surfaces for the outputs of the Modulus-trained AI model. Another key feature is being able to visualize and analyze the high-fidelity simulation output in near real time as you vary design parameters.

The three key advantages of adding the Modulus-OV extension:

  • This built-in visualization pipeline supports a small number of commonly used modalities such as streamlines, Scalar field slice, and Flow.
  • There is a near real-time simulation output for making design parameter changes and visualizing it on screen.
  • The rich ecosystem in Omniverse is now compatible for you to integrate with other extensions such as CAD tools, visualization tools for an end-to-end design, and simulation workflows. 

This is the first preview release of the Modulus-OV extension and the Modulus team welcomes any feedback or enhancement requests you may have. Please submit feedback to the Modulus NVIDIA Forum.

Enabling the Modulus extension

The Modulus extension is available with Omniverse Create. After you install Omniverse Create on a supported OS using Omniverse Launcher, install the Modulus extension. Then go into the extension window and search for ‘Modulus’. This will bring up the core extension to install and enable the Modulus extension. 

A screen recording shows the Omniverse Create program with the Modulus extension being toggled on from the Extensions option in the Windows panel.
Figure 1: Enabling the Modulus extension in Omniverse Create

For this preview release, Modulus extension is supported only on the Linux platform and the GPU Memory requirements for running both Omniverse Create and Modulus can be quite high. For existing scenarios, we have observed minimum GPU requirements of an NVIDIA RTX 3090 or higher.

Visualizing an interactive simulation

Simulation scenarios are prepackaged examples that help users get familiar with the capabilities of the extension.

For now, the following preconfigured scenarios are available to experiment with: modulus_scenario_fpga

Load this scenario extension by searching for its name in the extension manager (in the following, we will use modulus_scenario_fpga). Install and enable the extension. If you do this for the first time, this process can take a few minutes for the pretrained model to be downloaded and installed on your machine.

This scenario is based on the parameterized 3D heat sink example in Modulus, which, with the OV extension enabled you can visualize the airflow through the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) geometry. 

In this scenario, the Modulus-trained parameterized neural network model is simulating airflow paths. The inference output data being used is the velocity magnitude, which is the airspeed at a given point defined on a volumetric surface. By putting a surface at a fairly low speed you can see where the airflow is slowing down, which would be the boundary, and as it hits the cooling fins shown in Figure 2.  

You can also analyze the airflow by using streamlines, which are computed by adding advecting particles through the airflow. You can also play with the texture of the airflow for a better understanding of the airflow.

A screen recording shows the Modulus Project Template for the Omniverse Create program with airflow and texture simulations.
 Figure 2. Visualizing and interactively modifying the simulation scenario

A set of common visualization modes is available with this release of the extension. Each mode will populate the stage that is currently open in Omniverse Create with visualization geometry, which will be updated as you change parameters.

  • Isosurface: Create an isosurface of the velocity magnitude.
  • Streamlines: Create a set of streamlines.
  • Slices: Add three axis-aligned slices of the velocity magnitude.

In addition, you can also vary the visualization parameters using knobs in the extension user interface. The model is not reevaluated when visualization parameters are modified. To learn about which parameters can be adjusted please refer to the OV integration documentation.

A screen recording shows the FPGA panel and the ability to change in real-time simulation variables in Omniverse Create using the Modulus extension.
Figure 3. Changing visualization parameters and seeing the results interactively in the extension user interface

Another game-changing aspect of Modulus and Physics-ML is the ability to train a model on a parameterized space that can be used to infer a design space defined by a set of design parameters. Users can expose this within the scenario as various parameters knobs, that can be changed to infer and visualize the new simulation output in near real time. When you change these design parameters, the model is reevaluated to infer the new geometry and the output is visualized.

A screen recording shows live-time changes to a heat sink visualization being made using the Modulus extension in Omniverse Create.
Figure 4. Changing design parameters like height, length, etc. of the fins of the heat sink

Learn more

To learn more about the extension and this example, please refer to the Discord Live session where we talk more about Modulus, its capabilities, and the Modulus OV extension. 

Download Modulus now and try the OV extension.

Figure 5. NVIDIA Omniverse Stream, getting started with Modulus