
Using Tensor Cores in CUDA Fortran

Tensor Cores, which are programmable matrix multiply and accumulate units, were first introduced in the V100 GPUs where they operated on half-precision (16-bit) multiplicands. Tensor Core functionality has been expanded in the following architectures, and in the Ampere A100 GPUs (compute capability 8.0) support for other data types was added, including double precision. Access to … Continued

Tensor Cores, which are programmable matrix multiply and accumulate units, were first introduced in the V100 GPUs where they operated on half-precision (16-bit) multiplicands. Tensor Core functionality has been expanded in the following architectures, and in the Ampere A100 GPUs (compute capability 8.0) support for other data types was added, including double precision.

Access to programming Tensor Cores in CUDA C became available in the CUDA 9.0 release for Volta GPUs through the WMMA (Warp Matrix Multiply and Accumulate) API, which was extended in CUDA 11.0 to support Ampere GPUs. This post describes a CUDA Fortran interface to this same functionality, focusing on the third-generation Tensor Cores of the Ampere architecture.

With the WMMA interface, a single warp of 32 threads performs D = A∗B +C. This operation is the building block to construct GEMM-like operations. The size of the matrices (C and D are m×n, A is m×k, and B is k×n) in this operation depends on the precision:

  • For real(2) multiplicands, m×n×k can be 16×16×16, 32×8×16, or 8×32×16.
  • For real(4) data using the TensorFloat32 format, m×n×k is 16×16×8.
  • For real(8) data, m×n×k is 8×8×4.

For the case where the multiplicands A and B contain real(2) data, C and D can be either both real(2) or both real(4) matrices. The Volta and Turing architectures support only the cases where the multiplicands are real(2) data. All this is summarized in Table 1. Before the WWMA operation can take place, the operand matrices must be loaded into registers and then distributed amongst the threads in the warp. The mapping of threads to matrix elements is opaque, where the WMMA submatrix datatype (equivalent to the fragment in CUDA C), is used to represent the elements each thread holds of the matrix represented by the warp of threads, along with other metadata.

In this post, I focus on the WMMA interface for double precision or real(8) data.

Multiplicand Precision Accumulator Precision WMMA Tile Sizes (m×n×k) Architecture
real(2) / 16-bit real(2) / 16-bit
real(4) / 32-bit
Volta, Turing, NVIDIA Ampere
real(4) / TF32 real(4) / TF32 16×16×8 NVIDIA Ampere
real(8) / 64-bit real(8) / 64-bit 8×8×4 NVIDIA Ampere
Table 1. CUDA Fortran Tensor Core data precision and WMMA tile sizes.

CUDA Fortran wmma module

The use of Tensor Cores through the WMMA API in CUDA Fortran requires the wmma module as well as the cuf_macros.CUF macro file. These provide Tensor Core–specific data types, along with routines to load and store data and perform warp-based matrix multiplications using these data types.

WMMASubMatrix datatype

Tiles of matrices used by a warp of threads to perform matrix multiplication are stored in variables of the WMMASubMatrix datatype in device code. For those familiar with the CUDA C API to Tensor Cores, WMMASubMatrix corresponds to the fragment template. There are different WMMASubMatrix types based on use (i.e., which operand in D = A ∗ B + C), precision, storage order, and dimensions, which are specified as type parameters in CUDA Fortran. Typical declarations of WMMASubMatrix variables used in device code are:

WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixA, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sa
WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixB, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sb 
WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixC, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAKind8)   :: sc

The first parameter indicates the operand, corresponding to the A matrix, B matrix, and the accumulator. The following three parameters are the tile sizes, in this case m×n×k = 8×8×4. The datatype Real is specified next and is currently the only allowed value. The last parameter in WMMAMatrixA and WMMAMatrixB matrix declaration specifies row- or column-ordering (WMMAColMajor) as well as the precision (Kind8). The storage order for the accumulators is not specified at declaration, therefore the last parameter in the WMMAMatrixC declaration specifies only the precision.


When compiling code using Tensor Cores for the A100 GPU, a compute capability of 8.0 and a CUDA runtime version of at least 11.0 should be used (-cuda -gpu=cc80,cuda11.0).

In addition, the preprocessor must be invoked due to the included macro file cuf_macros.CUF, either explicitly through the -Mpreprocess compiler option or implicitly by using an uppercase file extension such as .CUF or .F90. The cuf_macros.CUF file is included in the HPC SDK in the examples/CUDA-Fortran/TensorCores/Utils directory.

WMMA programming basics

This section presents a sequence of small example programs showing the concepts of WMMA programming in CUDA Fortran. The sequence begins with launching a kernel using a single warp of threads that performs a matrix multiplication of an 8×4 by and 4×8 matrix. Then, each following example adds complexity until performance issues can be addressed, in the Performance of WMMA code section.

Example 1: 8×8×4 matrix multiply

The simplest possible matrix multiply using WMMA is the operation C = A ∗ B where the matrix sizes correspond to the WMMA tile sizes, where A, B, and C are 8×4, 4×8, and 8×8, respectively. The kernel code for this is as follows:

#include "cuf_macros.CUF"
module m
  integer, parameter :: wmma_m = 8
  integer, parameter :: wmma_n = 8
  integer, parameter :: wmma_k = 4
  ! kernel for C = A B  (C(8x8), A(8x4), B(4x8)) using wmma
  ! Should be launched with one block of 32 threads 

  attributes(global) subroutine wmma_single(a, b, c)
    use wmma   
    implicit none
    real(8) :: a(wmma_m,*), b(wmma_k,*), c(wmma_m,*)
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixA, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sa
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixB, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sb
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixC, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAKind8)   :: sc
    integer :: lda, ldb, ldc

    lda = wmma_m
    ldb = wmma_k
    ldc = wmma_m

    sc = 0.0_8
    call wmmaLoadMatrix(sa, a(1,1), lda)
    call wmmaLoadMatrix(sb, b(1,1), ldb)
    call wmmaMatMul(sc, sa, sb, sc)
    call wmmaStoreMatrix(c(1,1), sc, ldc)
  end subroutine wmma_single
 end module m 

This is launched in host code with a single thread block containing a single warp of threads:

    call wmma_single>>(a_d, b_d, c_d) 

The device arrays a_d, b_d, and c_d are declared in host code with dimensions corresponding to the WMMA submatrices:

  integer, parameter :: m = wmma_m, n = wmma_n, k = wmma_k
  real(8), device :: a_d(m,k), b_d(k,n), c_d(m,n)

Because the matrices passed in as arguments to the kernel are the same sizes as the WMMA submatrices, the matrix multiplication is accomplished by initializing the C WMMA submatrix to 0.0, loading the A and B matrices from global memory to WMMA submatrices, performing the matrix multiplication on the submatrices, and storing the result in the WMMA submatrix to global memory:

    sc = 0.0_8
    call wmmaLoadMatrix(sa, a(1,1), lda)
    call wmmaLoadMatrix(sb, b(1,1), ldb)
    call wmmaMatMul(sc, sa, sb, sc)
    call wmmaStoreMatrix(c(1,1), sc, ldc)

You may have noticed that the thread index threadIdx does not appear at all in this code. This underlies the important concept to take away from this example: the threads in a warp work collectively to accomplish these tasks. So, when dealing with the WMMA submatrices, you are doing warp-level programming rather than thread-level programming.

This kernel is launched with a single warp of 32 threads, yet your WMMA C submatrix has 8×8 or 64 elements. When the sc = 0.0_8 initialization statement is executed, each thread sets two elements in the 8×8 submatrix to zero. For those familiar with the CUDA C Tensor Core API, assignment to WMMA submatrices is overloaded to invoke the fill_fragment method. The mapping of threads to submatrix elements is opaque for this and other operations involving WMMA submatrices. From a programming standpoint, you only address what happens collectively by a warp of threads on WMMA submatrices.

The following statements load A and B from global memory to WMMA submatrices:

    call wmmaLoadMatrix(sa, a(1,1), lda)
    call wmmaLoadMatrix(sb, b(1,1), ldb)

They also work collectively. In these calls, the WMMA submatrices are specified as the first argument. The second arguments contain the addresses of the upper-left element of the tiles in global or shared memory to be loaded to the WMMA submatrices. The leading dimension of the matrices in global or shared memory is the third argument. The arguments passed to wmmaLoadMatrix are the same for all threads in the warp. Because the mapping of elements to threads in a warp is opaque, each thread just passes the address of the first element in the 8×4 or 4×8 matrix along with the leading dimension as the third parameter, and the load operation is distributed amongst the threads in the warp.

The matrix multiplication on the WMMA submatrices is performed by the following statement:

    call wmmaMatMul(sc, sa, sb, sc)

This statement is again performed collectively by a warp of threads. Here, you have used the same accumulator submatrix for the first and last arguments in the wmmaMatMul call, which is why its initialization to zero was required.

The following wmmaStoreMatrix call is analogous to the prior wmmaLoadMatrix calls:

    call wmmaStoreMatrix(c(1,1), sc, ldc)

Here, however, the first argument is the address of the upper left element of the tile in global memory, and the second argument is the WMMA submatrix whose values are stored. When both wmmaLoadMatrix and wmmaStoreMatrix are called with accumulator (WMMAMatrixC) arguments, there is an optional fourth argument that specifies the storage order—recall that declarations for WMMA accumulators do not specify storage order. In CUDA Fortran, the default order is WMMAColMajor or column-major storage order.

One final note on arguments to the wmmaLoadMatrix and wmmaStoreMatrix routines. There is a requirement that the leading dimension of the matrices, specified by the third argument of these routines, must be a multiple of 16 bytes, such as two real(8) elements, four real(4) elements, or eight real(2) elements. This becomes important when you use shared memory for the input arrays or more specifically, when you pad shared memory arrays.

Example 2: 8×8×16 matrix multiply

The second example performs the matrix multiplication C = A ∗ B where A is 8×16 and B is 16×8. A common theme in all these examples of this section is that a warp of threads calculates an 8×8 tile of the resultant matrix. As such, this kernel is still launched with a single warp of threads. The kernel for this code is as follows:

#include "cuf_macros.CUF"
module m
  integer, parameter :: wmma_m = 8
  integer, parameter :: wmma_n = 8
  integer, parameter :: wmma_k = 4

  ! kernel for wmma on a single blockwise row in A
  !   C(8x8) = A(8xK) B(Kx8)
  ! with K a multiple of 4
  ! Launched with a single block of 32 threads 

  attributes(global) subroutine wmma_row(a, b, c, k)
    use wmma
    implicit none
    real(8) :: a(wmma_m,*), b(k,*), c(wmma_m,*)
    integer, value :: k 
    integer :: i

    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixA, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sa
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixB, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sb
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixC, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAKind8) :: sc
    integer :: lda, ldb, ldc

    lda = wmma_m 
    ldb = k
    ldc = wmma_m 

    sc = 0.0_8
    do i = 1, k, wmma_k
       call wmmaLoadMatrix(sa, a(1,i), lda)
       call wmmaLoadMatrix(sb, b(i,1), ldb)
       call wmmaMatMul(sc, sa, sb, sc)
    call wmmaStoreMatrix(c(1,1), sc, ldc)
  end subroutine wmma_row
end module m

The only difference between this kernel and the kernel from the previous example is that the loading of A and B submatrices and the matrix multiplication on these submatrices occur inside a loop, where for each iteration a matrix multiplication of 8×4 by 4×8 tiles is performed. The second argument to wmmaLoadMatrix is again the same for all threads in the warp, it is the address of the first element of the 8×4 or 4×8 tile used in that iteration. The results are accumulated in the submatrix sc because the first and last arguments in wmmaMatMul are the same.

Example 3: 16×16×16 matrix multiply

For this example, you move past launching a kernel with a single warp of threads. The kernel still uses a single warp to calculate each 8×8 tile of the resultant matrix, but for a 16×16 resultant matrix, the host code now launches the kernel with four warps of threads, for now with one warp per thread block. The associated parameters in host code are as follows:

  ! m=n=k=16
  integer, parameter :: m_blocks = 2, n_blocks = 2, k_blocks= 4
  integer, parameter :: m = m_blocks*wmma_m, &
       n = n_blocks*wmma_n, &
       k = k_blocks*wmma_k

The host code launches the kernel with the following:

  grid = dim3(m_blocks,n_blocks,1)
  call wmma_8x8>>(a_d, b_d, c_d, m, n, k)

The kernel itself is as follows:

#include "cuf_macros.CUF"
module m
  integer, parameter :: wmma_m = 8
  integer, parameter :: wmma_n = 8
  integer, parameter :: wmma_k = 4
  ! kernel where each block performs matmul for a 8x8 submatrix of C

  attributes(global) subroutine wmma_8x8(a, b, c, m, n, k)
    use wmma
    implicit none
    real(8) :: a(m,*), b(k,*), c(m,*)
    integer, value :: m, n, k 
    integer :: i, row_t, col_t

    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixA, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sa
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixB, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sb
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixC, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAKind8) :: sc
    integer :: lda, ldb, ldc
    lda = m 
    ldb = k
    ldc = m 

    row_t = (blockIdx%x - 1)*wmma_m + 1
    col_t = (blockIdx%y - 1)*wmma_n + 1

    sc = 0.0_8
    do i = 1, k, wmma_k
       call wmmaLoadMatrix(sa, a(row_t,i), lda)
       call wmmaLoadMatrix(sb, b(i,col_t), ldb)
       call wmmaMatMul(sc, sa, sb, sc)
    call wmmaStoreMatrix(c(row_t,col_t), sc, ldc)

  end subroutine wmma_8x8
end module m

Each thread block (consisting of a single warp of threads) calculates the results in the tile c(row_t:row_t+7, col_t:col_t+7). With one warp of threads per thread block, the row_t and col_t indices can be calculated from the blockIdx values:

    row_t = (blockIdx%x - 1)*wmma_m + 1
    col_t = (blockIdx%y - 1)*wmma_n + 1

While this kernel code is general and can be used for large matrices, with only 32 threads
per block it is inefficient. In the next example, I address this inefficiency.

Example 4: 16×16×16 single-block matrix multiply

In this example, the kernel performs the same matrix multiplication as in example 3, but uses a single block of four warps of threads rather than four blocks of one warp each. The kernel is launched with the following code:

  tpb = dim3(tile_m/wmma_m*32, tile_n/wmma_n, 1)
  grid = dim3((m-1)/tile_m+1, (n-1)/tile_n+1, 1)
  call wmma_tile>>(a_d, b_d, c_d, m, n, k)

The module containing the kernel is as follows:

module m
  integer, parameter :: wmma_m = 8
  integer, parameter :: wmma_n = 8
  integer, parameter :: wmma_k = 4
  ! tile_m and tile_n are the size of submatrix of C that
  !   gets calculated per thread block and should be
  !   integral multiples of wmma_m and wmma_n, respectively
  integer, parameter :: tile_m = 16, tile_n = 16


  ! launch with blocksize of
  !   dim3(tile_m/wmma_m*32, tile_n/wmma_n, 1)
  !   [= dim3(64, 2, 1) in this case]
  attributes(global) subroutine wmma_tile(a, b, c, m, n, k)
    use wmma
    use cudadevice
    implicit none
    real(8) :: a(m,*), b(k,*), c(m,*)
    integer, value :: m, n, k

    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixA, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sa
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixB, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sb
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixC, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAKind8) :: sc
    integer :: lda, ldb, ldc
    type(dim3) :: warpIdx
    integer :: i, row_t, col_t   

    lda = m 
    ldb = k
    ldc = m 
    warpIdx%x = (threadIdx%x - 1)/warpsize + 1
    warpIdx%y = threadIdx%y
    row_t = (blockIdx%x-1)*tile_m + (warpIdx%x - 1)*wmma_m + 1
    col_t = (blockIdx%y-1)*tile_n + (warpIdx%y - 1)*wmma_n + 1
    sc = 0.0_8

    do i = 1, k, wmma_k
       call wmmaLoadMatrix(sa, a(row_t,i), lda)
       call wmmaLoadMatrix(sb, b(i,col_t), ldb)
       call wmmaMatMul(sc, sa, sb, sc)
    call wmmaStoreMatrix(c(row_t,col_t), sc, ldc)

  end subroutine wmma_tile

end module m

The parameters tile_m=32 and tile_n=32 denote the size of the tile of C that gets calculated per thread block. It is convenient to define a warpIdx variable of type(dim3) that is analogous to threadIdx, as all the WMMA operations are done on a per-warp basis. The threadIdx variable appears in the code but is only used to calculate the warpIdx values. The row_t and col_t indices now depend on the warpIdx values as well as the blockIdx values, but aside from that the code is like the code in Example 3.

While this code addresses the low occupancy of previous examples, it is inefficient in that it loads each 8×4 tile of A and 4×8 tile of B twice. The performance impact of such redundant loads is addressed in the next section.

Performance of WMMA code

One of the most important aspects affecting performance of Tensor Core code is data reuse. The following code example is an artificial benchmark that helps quantify the cost of performing loads from global memory to the WMMA submatrices, which live in registers, as well as the cost of the store operation from WMMA submatrices to global memory.  This code example uses the same 8×4 A and 4×8 B matrices to calculate their product in a tile of a larger C matrix:

  attributes(global) subroutine dmma_peak(a, b, c, m, n, niter)
    use cudadevice
    use wmma
    implicit none
    real(8) :: a(wmma_m,wmma_k), b(wmma_k,wmma_n), c(m, n)
    integer, value :: m, n, niter

    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixA, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sa
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixB, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sb
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixC, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAKind8)   :: sc
    type(dim3) :: warpIdx
    integer :: i, row_t, col_t   

    warpIdx%x = (threadIdx%x - 1)/warpsize + 1
    warpIdx%y = threadIdx%y   

    row_t = (blockIdx%x-1)*tile_m + (warpIdx%x - 1)*wmma_m + 1
    col_t = (blockIdx%y-1)*tile_n + (warpIdx%y - 1)*wmma_n + 1

    sc = 0.0_8
    call wmmaLoadMatrix(sa, a, wmma_m)
    call wmmaLoadMatrix(sb, b, wmma_k)
    do i = 1, niter
       call wmmaMatMul(sc, sa, sb, sc)
    call wmmaStoreMatrix(c(row_t,col_t), sc, m)

  end subroutine dmma_peak

A loop in the host code launches the kernel with different values of niter, the number of times a matrix multiplication occurs using a single load/store of the input/output matrices. CUDA events are used to time the kernel and the resulting teraflops are reported.

Figure 1 shows that for large values of niter, the cost of loading and storing matrices is largely amortized away. The wmmaMatMul performance tapers off at about 18.5 TFlops. However, if there is no reuse of the A and B submatrices, so each load is used in only one mmaMatMul call, the kernel operates at around 1 TFlops. As a result, the first step in achieving good performance is to reuse the input matrices as much as possible, which brings you to the next example.

Graph showing how performance improves with number of iterations.
Figure 1. Artificial benchmark results where wmmaMatMul is called niter times within the kernel. This illustrates the effects of amortizing the loads and stores of the input and resultant matrices on the performance.

Example 5: Shared-memory matrix multiply

From this point on, the performance of code is measured and therefore larger matrix sizes are used. For example, the following code example has values of mn, and k of 3,200. To illustrate the shared memory strategy, each thread block calculates a 32×32 tile of C. The parameters for this case are as follows:

  ! dmma tile sizes
  integer, parameter :: wmma_m = 8
  integer, parameter :: wmma_n = 8
  integer, parameter :: wmma_k = 4

  ! C tile of size tile_m x tile_n is calculated per thread block
  ! tile_m must be a multiple of 32
  integer, parameter :: tile_m = 32 
  integer, parameter :: tile_n = tile_m/wmma_m*wmma_n

  ! problem matrix sizes
  ! m, n, and k must be multiples of tile_m, tile_n, and wmma_k
  integer, parameter :: m = (3200/tile_m)*tile_m
  integer, parameter :: n = (3200/tile_n)*tile_n
  integer, parameter :: k = (3200/wmma_k)*wmma_k

  ! shared memory padding for A tile in terms of real(8) elements
  ! padding must be a multiple of 16 bytes, so smPad must be a multiple of 2
  integer, parameter :: smPad = 0

  ! Number of times kernel is called and timed
  integer, parameter :: nRuns = 20

  ! dependent parameters
  integer, parameter :: blockRows_as = tile_m/wmma_m

The expression for tile_n evaluates to 32. The parameter smPad specifies shared memory padding, which I discuss shortly. The parameter nRuns specifies the number of times that this kernel is run and its performance measured. When performed on an idle GPU, a single run may complete before the clocks reach their optimal level. Because these BLAS-like routines are typically used in large code blocks where such transitional periods are a small part of the overall run, you want to measure the asymptotic state. Alternatively, you could run untimed kernels before measuring performance as was done in the code that produced Figure 1. Another option is to fix the GPU clocks using nvidia-smi -ac.

A strategy for optimizing reuse of data in WMMA submatrices is to load the 32×4 A tile into shared memory, and for each warp of threads to load a single 4×8 submatrix of B and use that to calculate a 32×8 column of the C tile that is calculated by the thread block (Figure 2). To load the 32×4 A tile used here, this kernel is launched with four warps of threads per thread block.

Depiction of how A, B, and C tiles are used in Tensor Core matrix multiplication.
Figure 2. Depiction of the tiles used by a thread block to calculate a 32×32 tile of the C matrix. The 32×4 tile of A is stored in shared memory, and each warp of threads loads a 4×8 submatrix of B. Each warp uses its B submatrix to calculate a 32×8 tile of C.

In the kernel, the shared memory and WMMA submatrix declarations are as follows:

    real(8), shared :: a_s(tile_m+smPad, wmma_k)
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixA, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sa
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixB, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAColMajorKind8) :: sb
    WMMASubMatrix(WMMAMatrixC, 8, 8, 4, Real, WMMAKind8)   :: &

To avoid shared memory bank conflicts, a variable amount of padding is added to the first index of the shared memory tile. This padding can be specified using the smPad parameter. The leading dimension of the source matrix, for the shared memory array a_s, is as follows:

    lda_s = tile_m + smPad

This must be a multiple of 16 bytes, thus the smPad parameter must be a multiple of 2. Because each warp of threads is calculating a 32×8 tile of matrix C, an array of 4 (blockRows_as) submatrix accumulators is required. The kernel code performs the following index calculations prior to entering the main loop over the k dimension:

    ! row and column indices to the first element
    !   in the tile_m x tile_n tile of C
    row_t = (blockIdx%x-1)*tile_m + 1
    col_t = (blockIdx%y-1)*tile_n + 1

    ! C column index for each warp
    col_w = col_t + (warpIdx-1)*wmma_n

col_w is the column index used to load the warp’s B tile. After initializing the array of accumulator submatrices, the main loop over the k dimension and the loop to store the resultant C submatrices are as follows:

    do i = 1, k, wmma_k
       ! load the tile_m x wmma_k tile of A into shared memory,
       call syncthreads()
       a_s(rowIdx_as, colIdx_as) = &
             a(row_t-1 + rowIdx_as, i-1 + colIdx_as)

       ! load B into wmma submatrices,
       !   each warp gets a different 4x8 block
       call wmmaLoadMatrix(sb, b(i,col_w), ldb)

       ! for a_s
       call syncthreads() 

       ! loop down column of C tile calculating sc() 
       do j = 1, blockRows_as
          ! each warp loads the same 8x4 block of A
          call wmmaLoadMatrix(sa, a_s(1+(j-1)*wmma_m, 1), lda_s)  
          call wmmaMatMul(sc(j), sa, sb, sc(j))
    end do

    do j = 1, blockRows_as
       call wmmaStoreMatrix(c(row_t+(j-1)*wmma_m,col_w), sc(j), ldc)
    end do

For each iteration over the k dimension, the tile_m×4 A tile is loaded into shared memory. The size of the shared memory tile is chosen largely to keep the indexing for loading A into shared memory as simple and efficient as possible. By restricting tile_m to be a multiple of 32, multiple warps can load in a single column of the A tile facilitated by the mappings:

    colIdx_as = (threadIdx%x - 1)/(tile_m) + 1
    rowIdx_as = threadIdx%x - (colIdx_as-1)*(tile_m)

These mappings are only used when reading in shared memory on the line:

    a_s(rowIdx_as, colIdx_as) = &
          a(row_t-1 + rowIdx_as, i-1 + colIdx_as)

The number of warps used to read in a tile of A into shared memory dictates the number of warps per thread block and hence the number of columns in the B and C tiles:

    integer, parameter :: tile_m = 32
    Integer, parameter :: tile_n = tile_m/wmma_m*wmma_n

In the main loop of the kernel over the k dimension, after issuing loads for the shared memory A tile, each warp of threads loads a B WMMA submatrix using the col_w index. A thread synchronization ensures all the elements in a_s are available to all threads. The code then loops over block rows, loading the WMMA submatrices from shared memory and performing the matrix multiplication. After the main loop over the k dimension completes, the results in the sc(j) tile are stored to global memory.

The code can be compiled with the following command:

nvfortran -cuda -gpu=cc80,cuda11.1 -O3 -o tensorCoreR8SharedA  tensorCoreR8SharedA.CUF

Executing the code should produce comparable results to the following:

$ ./tensorCoreR8SharedA
 Device: A100-PCIE-40GB
 M = 3200, N = 3200, K = 3200
 tile_m = 32, tile_n = 32
 thread block = 128x1x1
 grid = 100x100x1
 shared memory padding (elements): 0
 nRuns: 1

 Test passed, TFlops:     6.324040 

Adding padding to the shared memory tile to avoid bank conflicts, you obtain a significant bump in performance:

$ ./tensorCoreR8SharedA
 Device: A100-PCIE-40GB
 M = 3200, N = 3200, K = 3200
 tile_m = 32, tile_n = 32
 thread block = 128x1x1
 grid = 100x100x1
 shared memory padding (elements): 2
 nRuns: 1

 Test passed, TFlops:     8.234760

Table 2 shows the results for various cases.

Kernel smPad = 0 smPad = 2 smPad = 4 smPad = 6
32×32×4 6.3 8.2 9.2 8.2
64×64×4 6.6 8.8 10.0 8.8
96×96×4 4.9 6.2 6.3 6.2
128×128×4 6.6 9.3 9.6 9.3
Table 2. Tensor Core Double Precision Matrix Multiply Tflops. Performance of Tensor Core double precision matrix multiply on A100 PCIe for various kernels and shared memory padding

Tensor Core submatrices are register-intensive. While a single submatrix is declared for the  A and B matrices, an array of submatrices is declared for the accumulator. With the number of submatrices per block column growing with the C tile size, as well as the number of block columns, register utilization becomes a limiting factor in performance. In the next example, I investigate a way to increase data reuse without increasing register usage.

Example 6: Matrix multiply with multiple wmma_k blocks

The code in Example 5 used a single block of wmma_k=4 for the A and B tiles. In this section, you generalize this to allow tile_k to be multiples of wmma_k. Increasing the size of the k dimension in the A and B tiles increases data reuse without increasing the register utilization by the Tensor Core submatrices, which is a function of tile_m and tile_n.

To facilitate the larger sizes of the A and B tiles in this example, both A and B tiles are placed in shared memory. In doing so, a single thread block may require more shared memory than the limit of 48KB of static shared memory. As a result, you use dynamic shared memory. When multiple dynamic shared memory arrays are declared in a kernel, all such arrays point to the head of the dynamic shared memory block, and it is up to you to do the bookkeeping needed to partition that block to different arrays. This can be accomplished with defining offsets, but to accommodate multiple two-dimensional arrays of different shapes, use Cray pointers. Declare a block of dynamic shared memory in the kernel with the following line:

    real(8), shared :: dynSM(*)

You also declare Cray pointers used to partition this array into the A and B tiles:

 real(8), shared :: a_s(tile_m+smPadA, tile_k); pointer(a_sCrayP, a_s)
 real(8), shared :: b_s(tile_k+smPadB, tile_n); pointer(b_sCrayP, b_s)

The pointers a_sCrayP and b_sCray are associated with portions of the dynamic shared memory array in the block:

      integer :: offset
      offset = 0
      a_sCrayP = loc(dynSM(offset+1))
      offset = offset + (tile_m+smPadA)*tile_k
      b_sCrayP = loc(dynSM(offset+1))
    end block

After the pointers are associated, the pointees a_s and b_s can be used as any two-dimensional array would be used. In host code, you must set the amount of shared memory used with the cudaFuncSetAttribute function, as the amount of dynamic shared memory needed may exceed the default maximum.

   smSizeInBytes = 8*((tile_m+smPadA)*tile_k &
       + (tile_k+smPadB)*tile_n)

   i = cudaFuncSetAttribute(dmm, &
       cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, &

In Example 5, you used shared memory for the A tile rather than the B tile. With a leading dimension of tile_m+smPad, where tile_m is a multiple of 32, the A tile can be loaded into shared memory in a coalesced fashion, and relatively little shared memory is used for padding. On the other hand, for the B tile with a leading dimension of wmma_k+smPad, loading data into shared memory would not be coalesced and a significant portion of shared memory would be dedicated to the padding for any non-zero padding. The choice of having a warp of threads calculate a block column of the C tile fell out of using shared memory for the A tile.

With both A and B tiles in shared memory, and with typical values of tile_k equal to or greater than tile_m, having a warp of threads calculate a block row or block column of C are both valid from a performance standpoint. It ends up that having a warp of threads calculate a block row of C performs better. The following example code performs the WMMA submatrix loads and matrix multiplications after loading the A and B tiles into shared memory:

       ! nested loop over WMMA submatrices
       ! k is outermost loop so 8x4 WMMA submatrix of A is reused
       do kt = 1, tile_k, wmma_k
          ! each warp gets a different 8x4 block of A
          call wmmaLoadMatrix(sa, a_s(rowIdx_w, kt), lda_s)
          ! now go across block row of B/C
          do j = 1, blockCols_bs
             nt = (j-1)*wmma_n + 1
             ! each warp gets the same block of B
             call wmmaLoadMatrix(sb, b_s(kt,nt), ldb_s)
             call wmmaMatMul(sc(j), sa, sb, sc(j))

Figure 3 shows a graphical depiction of the process. For the first iteration of the outermost loop over the k dimension, the warps in a thread block collectively load a block column of the A matrix, where each warp loads a different 8×4 submatrix of A. Each warp then loads the same 4×8 submatrix of B, and C is updated with the resulting matrix multiplications. With the same submatrices in A, the kernel iterates over block columns of B, updating the corresponding C submatrices within each iteration. The kernel then advances to the next block in k, loading the second block column of A and iterating over the second block row of B. Placing k as the outermost loop here facilitates the reuse of data already loaded into submatrices (the block column of A).

Depiction of how A and B tiles with multiple wmma_k blocks are used in Tensor Core matrix multiplication.
Figure 3. Tile configuration with multiple wmma_k blocks in tile_k.

Table 3 shows the results for a sample of parameters. This is just a small sampling of the available parameter space. To keep the indexing relatively simple when loading shared memory, choice of tile_k is limited, in addition to the previous restrictions on tile_m and tile_m.

tile_m × tile_n tile_k = 32 tile_k = 64 tile_k = 96 tile_k = 128
32×32 10.6 9.0 6.4
64×64 14.5 14.4 8.65
96×96 10.7 10.9 11.5
128×128 12.86 13.5
Table 3. Tensor Core Double Precision Matrix Multiply Tflops. Performance of Tensor Core double precision matrix multiply with tile_k being multiples of wmma_k. smPadA = smPadB = 4 for all cases. Due to restrictions on tile sizes and limits of shared memory certain combinations of tile sizes are not allowed.


I’ve included the source code for all the examples in this post:

As mentioned earlier, to keep the indexing used to load the shared memory tiles simple in the examples, I’ve restricted the parameter space of tile_m, tile_n, and tile_k. These restrictions can be relaxed with some additional indexing arithmetic and guards to prevent out-of-bounds accesses. Even with a limited parameter space and relatively simple kernels, you were able to get 14.5 out of a peak 18.5 TFlops.

The earlier examples can be used as a template for other code blocks that use Tensor Cores on double precision data. Another, more hands-off approach to leveraging the power of Tensor Cores is through the cuTensor library, which has CUDA Fortran interfaces. For more information, see Bringing Tensor Cores to Standard Fortran.


Healthcare Headliners Put AI Under the Microscope at GTC

Two revolutions are meeting in the field of life sciences — the explosion of digital data and the rise of AI computing to help healthcare professionals make sense of it all, said Daphne Koller and Kimberly Powell at this week’s GPU Technology Conference,. Powell, NVIDIA’s vice president of healthcare, presented an overview of AI innovation Read article >

The post Healthcare Headliners Put AI Under the Microscope at GTC appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


NVIDIA RTX Lights Up the Night in Stunning Demos at GTC

NVIDIA is putting complex night scenes in a good light. A demo at GTC21 this week showcased how NVIDIA RTX Direct Illumination (RTXDI) technology is paving the way for realistic lighting in graphics. The clip shows thousands of dynamic lights as they move, turn on and off, change color, show reflections and cast shadows. People Read article >

The post NVIDIA RTX Lights Up the Night in Stunning Demos at GTC appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


You Put a Spell on Me: GFN Thursdays Are Rewarding, 15 New Games Added This Week

This GFN Thursday — when GeForce NOW members can learn what new games and updates are streaming from the cloud — we’re adding 15 games to the service, with new content, including NVIDIA RTX and DLSS in a number of games. Plus, we have a GeForce NOW Reward for Spellbreak from our friends at Proletariat. Read article >

The post You Put a Spell on Me: GFN Thursdays Are Rewarding, 15 New Games Added This Week appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


how can I save an NVIDIA StyleGan2 Ada .pkl file to .pb for use in other applications?

Title says it all. I’ve trained a sg2-ada GAN and it is saved as a pickled checkpoint, but I don’t know how to get it out.

For reference, the github with all the goods:

submitted by /u/diditforthevideocard
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Tensorflow Returning "ValueError: ‘outputs’ must be defined before the loop"

Hey everyone, I hope you are having a fabulous day!

I am trying to train a ResNet50 model on a dataset represented by a tensorflow.python.keras.utils.data_utils.Sequence that I created. When I run the code, I keep getting errors saying that my dataset/generator is returning Nones instead of images and I would really like some help figuring out why and how to fix it.

I posted the issue on Stack Overflow, which seems unusually quiet.

Could you guys please help me out?

Thanks a bunch for your time and efforts in advance!

submitted by /u/Revolutionary-Tie412
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Ray Tracing Gems II: Available August 4th

We are pleased to announce that Ray Tracing Gems II, the follow up to 2019’s Ray Tracing Gems, will be available for digital download and print on August 4th, 2021.

We are pleased to announce that Ray Tracing Gems II, the follow up to 2019’s Ray Tracing Gems, will be available for digital download and print on August 4th, 2021.

Today, as nearly every hardware vendor and 3D software platform embraces ray tracing, it is clear that real-time ray tracing is here to stay. Ray Tracing Gems II brings the community of rendering experts back together again to unearth true “gems” for developers of games, architectural applications, visualizations, and more in this exciting new era of real-time rendering. Rendering experts share their knowledge by explaining everything from basic ray tracing concepts geared toward beginners all the way to full ray tracing deployment in shipping AAA games.

Just like the first book, the digital edition of Ray Tracing Gems II will be free to download and the print edition will be available for purchase from Apress and Amazon. 

Sharing and using knowledge widely and freely is an important pillar of the Ray Tracing Gems series. We are pleased to announce that Ray Tracing Gems II will be “Open Access”, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-ND) “which permits use, duplication, distribution, and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as appropriate credit is given to the original author(s) and the source, a link is provided to the Creative Commons license, and any changes made are indicated”.

In the coming months, leading up to the book’s release in August, we’ll be sharing a preview of some of the incredible content coming in Ray Tracing Gems II. In the meantime, you can get the original Ray Tracing Gems (in hardcover from Apress or as a free digital download) here

Adam Marrs, Peter Shirley, and Ingo Wald


Presenting the iGibson Challenge on Interactive and Social Navigation

Computer vision has significantly advanced over the past decade thanks to large-scale benchmarks, such as ImageNet for image classification or COCO for object detection, which provide vast datasets and criteria for evaluating models. However, these traditional benchmarks evaluate passive tasks in which the emphasis is on perception alone, whereas more recent computer vision research has tackled active tasks, which require both perception and action (often called “embodied AI”).

The First Embodied AI Workshop, co-organized by Google at CVPR 2020, hosted several benchmark challenges for active tasks, including the Stanford and Google organized Sim2Real Challenge with iGibson, which provided a real-world setup to test navigation policies trained in photo-realistic simulation environments. An open-source setup in the challenge enabled the community to train policies in simulation, which could then be run in repeatable real world navigation experiments, enabling the evaluation of the “sim-to-real gap” — the difference between simulation and the real world. Many research teams submitted solutions during the pandemic, which were run safely by challenge organizers on real robots, with winners presenting their results virtually at the workshop.

This year, Stanford and Google are proud to announce a new version of the iGibson Challenge on Interactive and Social Navigation, one of the 10 active visual challenges affiliated with the Second Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR 2021. This year’s Embodied AI Workshop is co-organized by Google and nine other research organizations, and explores issues such as simulation, sim-to-real transfer, visual navigation, semantic mapping and change detection, object rearrangement and restoration, auditory navigation, and following instructions for navigation and interaction tasks. In addition, this year’s interactive and social iGibson challenge explores interactive navigation and social navigation — how robots can learn to interact with people and objects in their environments — by combining the iGibson simulator, the Google Scanned Objects Dataset, and simulated pedestrians within realistic human environments.

New Challenges in Navigation
Active perception tasks are challenging, as they require both perception and actions in response. For example, point navigation involves navigating through mapped space, such as driving robots over kilometers in human-friendly buildings, while recognizing and avoiding obstacles. Similarly object navigation involves looking for objects in buildings, requiring domain invariant representations and object search behaviors. Additionally, visual language instruction navigation involves navigating through buildings based on visual images and commands in natural language. These problems become even harder in a real-world environment, where robots must be able to handle a variety of physical and social interactions that are much more dynamic and challenging to solve. In this year’s iGibson Challenge, we focus on two of those settings:

  • Interactive Navigation: In a cluttered environment, an agent navigating to a goal must physically interact with objects to succeed. For example, an agent should recognize that a shoe can be pushed aside, but that an end table should not be moved and a sofa cannot be moved.
  • Social Navigation: In a crowded environment in which people are also moving about, an agent navigating to a goal must move politely around the people present with as little disruption as possible.

New Features of the iGibson 2021 Dataset
To facilitate research into techniques that address these problems, the iGibson Challenge 2021 dataset provides simulated interactive scenes for training. The dataset includes eight fully interactive scenes derived from real-world apartments, and another seven scenes held back for testing and evaluation.

iGibson provides eight fully interactive scenes derived from real-world apartments.

To enable interactive navigation, these scenes are populated with small objects drawn from the Google Scanned Objects Dataset, a dataset of common household objects scanned in 3D for use in robot simulation and computer vision research, licensed under a Creative Commons license to give researchers the freedom to use them in their research.

The Google Scanned Objects Dataset contains 3D models of many common objects.

The challenge is implemented in Stanford’s open-source iGibson simulation platform, a fast, interactive, photorealistic robotic simulator with physics based on Bullet. For this year’s challenge, iGibson has been expanded with fully interactive environments and pedestrian behaviors based on the ORCA crowd simulation algorithm.

iGibson environments include ORCA crowd simulations and movable objects.

Participating in the Challenge
The iGibson Challenge has launched and its leaderboard is open in the Dev phase, in which participants are encouraged to submit robotic control to the development leaderboard, where they will be tested on the Interactive and Social Navigation challenges on our holdout dataset. The Test phase opens for teams to submit final solutions on May 16th and closes on May 31st, with the winner demo scheduled for June 20th, 2021. For more details on participating, please check out the iGibson Challenge Page.

We’d like to thank our colleagues at at the Stanford Vision and Learning Lab (SVL) for working with us to advance the state of interactive and social robot navigation, including Chengshu Li, Claudia Pérez D’Arpino, Fei Xia, Jaewoo Jang, Roberto Martin-Martin and Silvio Savarese. At Google, we would like to thank Aleksandra Faust, Anelia Angelova, Carolina Parada, Edward Lee, Jie Tan, Krista Reyman and the rest of our collaborators on mobile robotics. We would also like to thank our co-organizers on the Embodied AI Workshop, including AI2, Facebook, Georgia Tech, Intel, MIT, SFU, Stanford, UC Berkeley, and University of Washington.


Accelerated Portfolios: NVIDIA Inception VC Alliance Connects Top Investors with Leading AI Startups

To better connect venture capitalists with NVIDIA and promising AI startups, we’ve introduced the NVIDIA Inception VC Alliance. This initiative, which VCs can apply to now, aims to fast-track the growth for thousands of AI startups around the globe by serving as a critical nexus between the two communities. AI adoption is growing across industries Read article >

The post Accelerated Portfolios: NVIDIA Inception VC Alliance Connects Top Investors with Leading AI Startups appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Durham University and DiRAC’s New NVIDIA InfiniBand-Powered Supercomputer to Accelerate Our Understanding of the Universe

NVIDIA today announced that Durham University’s new COSMA-8 supercomputer — to be used by world-leading cosmologists in the UK to research the origins of the universe — will be accelerated by NVIDIA® HDR InfiniBand networking.